Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How Do You “Bidenites” Like the Country Now?


How Do You “Bidenites” Like the Country Now?

 How do you voters for Biden, whom I call “Bidenites”, like our country now?  President Trump is not in your face daily with brusque truths and pithy tweets.  That’s why you “voted”  him out, right?

 Not because of his remarkable efforts to make “warp speed” vaccines available in 9 months, and into people’s arms soon thereafter.  Not because of his tough stance on law and order.  Not because of his avowed American patriotism.  Not because of his stance for equality for all Americans, and not the artificial “woke”, “equity” of identity politics.  You voted him out because of his big mouth and his tweets, right?

 How do you like Biden’s and his handlers’ country?  Their murders and high crime rates in the cities?  Their inflation?  Their high gas prices?  Their open borders to all comers, Covid, criminals, fentanyl?  Their cloying, slow, bureaucracy?  Their unabashed acquiescence and subservience to China’s Xi and Russia’s Putin, and all of the world’s villains?  Their weak, mumbling rhetoric, mostly denials, accomplishing nothing?

 You must like something about Biden.  You give him a 50% plus approval rating.  Do you like his trillions in socialist spending where you got $1200 per person?  Do you like the $300 per week they pay you for not working?  Do you like the identity politics, “wokeness” and cancel culture working like a cancer in our country?  Do you like the bigotry and hatred of the “critical race theory” being taught in our schools?  Do you like the socialist/communist siren song propaganda of academia, Hollywood, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo, and the rest of the biased left stream media?

 I don’t know if there is enough common sense and pragmatism left in our country to overcome these very dangerous, destructive trends initiated and being pushed by alt-left socialists and their media accomplices.  I have hopes that the futility and misery of what is happening in the country will speak for itself.

 Hopefully, the current destructive elements will be voted out of government before they manage to convert the country into a one-party, totalitarian socialist system.  Our politics has always waxed and waned between left and right.  Let’s hope this still pertains before the alt-left socialists/communists erase the senate filibuster, pack more leftist states into the union, and pack the SCOTUS with left-wingers.

Ray Gruszecki
May 25, 2021

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Why They Vote Left



Why They Vote Left

 This Pew Research study goes a long way in explaining why a good proportion of our society leans to the left of the political spectrum and elects left-wing democrats, and why the current inept crop of democrats garners 50% plus approval ratings.

 What this study indicates, is that the socialist/communist indoctrination taught in our schools and colleges for the past 50-odd years has come to fruition.  Individual responsibility has been diminished in much of our younger population by the left-wing educational process, and by the laissez-faire way that we raise our kids. Responsibility has been replaced by reliance on "big daddy" government programs giving away "free stuff".

What is even more disturbing is the current "woke" effort to inject "critical race theory" like the "1619 project", and other themes denigrating our American history, culture and society into our schools. These efforts stem from the "Black Lives Matter" movement, which is a self-acknowledged Marxist organization, and not a social justice or civil rights group, as their propaganda would have us believe, and again, as accepted by much of society.

Continued exposure in our schools and society to Marxist theory and identity politics will not fail to lead our population even further on the path toward socialism/communism, and toward a one-party, totalitarian government.

 It is becoming increasingly evident after four months in office, that a weak, ineffective, egotistical, borderline-senile Joe Biden and his alt-left backers, are wrecking our country by fostering “wokeness”, identity politics, and cancel culture domestically; and by a weak acquiescence to our foreign antagonists, China, Iran, Russia, North Korea and others. 

 We really need a businessman’s approach like we had under Trump, but the democrats unconstitutionally changed state election rules and voted him out.  They didn’t like his brusque, businesslike manner and his tweets, so they shut him down, and brought back the weak, ineffective bureaucracy that we now have.  This should stand as a vivid example of just how ruthless and Machiavellian our leftist democrats really are.

 We need to vote these alt-left wreckers of our society out of office.  Trump’s patriotic populism needs to be infused with less showmanship and more attention to conservative American principles and common sense.  Of course, this assumes that the ovine followers of “free stuff”, become aware that the piper needs to be paid in the long term, and that they come to their pragmatic senses.


Ray Gruszecki
May 22, 2021

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Poor Lebanon!!


Poor Lebanon!!

 “The society has been destroyed. There is nothing in Lebanon. We are playing in our blood.”  A Maronite monk.  (From:  Mackey, Sandra. “Lebanon: A House Divided.”)

 I have written about my job in Lebanon in 1966-67, and about evacuating my family out of Beirut as a result of the Six Day War.  I have also tied some of my experience living in Lebanon into Sandra Mackey’s book, “Lebanon, a House Divided”, originally titled “Lebanon, Death of a Nation”.

 Sandra Mackey’s book discusses the multitudinous factions that effectively destroyed any semblance of civilization and rational government in Lebanon during the Lebanese civil war of 1975-1990, and onward to the present day. 

 The indigenous warring religious factions in Lebanon, comprise Maronite Christians (including the Phalangists), Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims, The Druze (a separate, non-Muslim, non-Christian religion), the Alawites, and other Christian and Muslim sub-groups.  External powers fighting or trying to keep peace in Lebanon, were, and are, The U.S., Israel, Syria, France, the UN. And the PLO.  Political entities include the Christian Phalange, Amal (Lebanese Shia), Hezbollah (Iranian Shia), the PLO, and various Sunni groups.

 I was able to observe some of these factions in the year plus that I lived and worked in Lebanon.  It was evident in 1966-1967, that trouble was brewing in the Middle East.  It started (really it continued the thousand-year conflict), with the Israeli victories over the neighboring Arab states during the Six Day War of 1967.

 I was Technical Service Superintendent at the Mediterranean Refining Company refinery being run by Caltex.  My immediate boss was Ghalib Ali Ahmad, a Sunni Muslim.  He reported to Len Rayburn, who in turn reported to John Creecy, two Americans.  I had two engineers in my group, Carlos Khachan, a Maronite Christian, and Walid__?, , I believe, a Shia Muslim.  The refinery lab with which I was associated was staffed by a mixture of Christians and Sunni and Shia Muslims.  Some names that I remember are Fuad Wanna and Habib Khayatt, both Christians.

 An aside on Carlos Khachan, who had an engineering degree from the University of Mississippi.  To hear him tell the story, his family gave him access to finances and told him “go to the U.S. and get an education”.  The only rub was that Carlos’ language was Arabic, with a little bit of French.  Can you imagine the hoots of “raghead” in Oxford, Mississippi?  Carlos mastered American English really quickly, and got his engineering degree.

 So, I had all of the main religious factions of Lebanon, excepting Druzes, within my normal work environment (there may have been one two Druze, but I didn’t know them).  The only thing that I could really discern was the differences between Christian and Muslims, which was mostly societal, and did not affect work flow.

 Mackey’s book continues in considerable detail, how Lebanon was literally ripped apart by the warring political, religious and societal factions.  It seems that everyone in the Middle East that had a fight, came to Lebanon to fight it.

 I continued my career, in NYC, Dallas, and around the world, and lost track of the details of what was happening in Lebanon.  I remembered major news items, like the U.S. Embassy, with which I was familiar, getting blown up, and hundreds of U.S. marines getting killed.  I remember reading about political assassinations, kidnappings and continuing violence, but eventually it all blended together in one big confused mess.

 Sandra Mackey’s book not only tweaks some memories of when I lived in Lebanon in the 1960’s, it also categorizes what happened during and after the Lebanese civil war of 1975-1990. The book orders in my mind, how such a beautiful place on this earth could be literally destroyed by the underlying factional hatreds embedded in the religion and politics of the region.  Lebanon was a harbinger for the future for Syria, Iraq, the Kurds, and other parts of the old Ottoman Empire arbitrarily delineated by the Britain and France and the Sykes-Picot agreement.

Ray Gruszecki
May 20, 2021

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Bidenville – Before and After the Honeymoon


Bidenville – Before and After the Honeymoon

 Phrases like “stolen election”, “election fraud”, or anything expressing doubt about Joe Biden’s receiving 14-18 million more votes sitting on his ass in his basement, than the saintly Obama got in his two elections, are quickly disparaged and expunged by the new Biden “thought police”. 

 Similarly, the hundreds of thousands of illegal votes that mysteriously found themselves in Biden’s totals, the upwards of one thousand whistleblowers who have signed legal affidavits, and the myriad smartphone and other recordings that have detailed some of this after-hours chicanery by the democrats, has been cast into the realm of “conspiracy theories” by the leftist propagandists.

 The unfortunate and untimely demonstrations that took place on January 6, 2021 at the capitol have been seized upon by the pro-Biden media, and twisted all out of proportion, into a seditious, insurrectionist act.  The alt-left alarmists have created a fortress Washington DC” in response to these fictional “right wing extremists”, with thousands of troops and concertina wire barricades.

 Not to condone the stupidity of these demonstrations, but the twisted media coverage of these pro-Trump demonstrators, put the nails in the coffin to any resistance to the validity of the election.  To be noted, this same media posted virtually no words about comparable riots against federal facilities all through a riotous 2020 summer.

 Anyone questioning the constitutionality of the illegally changed voting laws in the swing states just prior to the election, or any other questionable activity by the democrats, is immediately identified by the pro-Biden media and the “thought police”, as a “right wing insurrectionist”.

 Some states are attempting to remediate election fraud, but in the meantime, we are stuck with an inept president and administration pushing the country toward an oligarchic, socialist, one-party form of government that will control every aspect of our lives.  What is the analogy for this?  One needs to look at a prosperous, robust Venezuela in the early 1990’s, just when Hugo Chavez first took power.

 And our gullible, ovine masses believe that the election was valid, that questioning any aspect of the election is a “conspiracy theory”, and that grandfatherly old Joe Biden and his dishonest, bureaucratic minions are preferable to President Donald Trump’s sometime brutal, in your face, truths and irascible tweets.  Apparently, the ovine masses have been convinced that it is better to have a career bureaucrat and politician talking about the issues, than a pragmatic businessman like Trump, actually solving them.

 Biden’s approval rating is over 50% in most polls, including reliable polls like Pew Research, whereas Trump’s approval never exceeded 50%.  Biden’s numbers may weaken with continued disasters like the southern border crisis, signs of impending inflation and a weakening economy, the dichotomy of a labor shortage and high unemployment because people are paid a premium not to work, gasoline and fuel shortages caused by hacker attacks on a major pipeline, and resistance to identity politics, “wokeness” and cancel culture.

 It seems that Biden’s virtually only success is continuing Trump’s initiatives by urging enough people to get vaccinated to approach herd immunity from Covid.  Biden, the plagiarist, tries to take credit for the vaccination effort, but it was Trump’s “warp speed” programs that made three viable vaccines available in 9 short months, and established a vaccination regimen within our federalist system.

 The other positive response to Biden is most likely the $1.9 trillion, euphemistically named “American Rescue Plan”, that doles out $1400 to individual Americans, bails out poorly run democrat cities and states, and injects gobs and gobs of other socialist-style pork into the economy.  The promises of another $4 trillion, in addition to the $4 trillion already approved, make every democrat and socialist and advocate of a one-party totalitarian government quiver with anticipation.

Ray Gruszecki
May 15, 2021

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Cyber Terror


Cyber Terror

 The recent ransomed shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline, presumably by private Russian hackers, no longer at all afraid of our weak government, raises several points.  The most important is how easy it is for hackers to break into and ransom our infrastructure.  Ransomware is old technology, that has been around for ages.  The fact that these guys applied ransomware to a major American pipeline, dos not bode well for other crucial systems that we rely upon.

 The simple fact is that anyone who knows their way around the computer and network world, and has some knowledge of network security, could probably have accessed the modules controlling the pipeline.  These modules are either little network devices, with IP addresses themselves, or controlled by offline computers, where destructive code would need to be loaded by an external device, like a flash drive.

 All of the major powers, including our NSA, have cyberweapons groups that are actively developing cyberweapons to disable enemy infrastructure.  The Chinese, Russians and other communist or ex-communist countries are particularly active and adept in this field.

 There are also independent hacker groups all over the world, whose aim is to hold individuals, companies or countries hostage for money, like this incident with Colonial Pipeline.

 This reminds me of Stuxnet, which found and ruined multiple centrifuges in Iran in 2010 onward.  This was an extremely sophisticated cyberattack, which not only found a particular model of logic controller in Iran, Stuxnet masked itself and imperceptibly sped up uranium centrifuges, and burned out over 1,000 of them. 

 Trump, as a pragmatic, no nonsense, businessman, would probably ensure that our infrastructure is properly strengthened.  Biden and his bureaucratic clowns?  Not so much.

 This is my write-up of Stuxnet dated two years ago.  Stuxnet code is now available to anyone.  With capabilities such as these, is there any wonder that our infrastructure is in danger?


Stuxnet and Ramifications

 I just finished reading “Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon” by Kim Zetter, about the Stuxnet cyber worm and variants, that succeeded in setting back the Iranian nuclear program by several years.

 Stuxnet is a malicious computer worm, first uncovered in 2010, that targets SCADA systems and is believed to be responsible for causing substantial damage to Iran's nuclear program. Although neither country has openly admitted responsibility, the worm is believed to be a jointly built American/Israeli cyberweapon.

 Stuxnet specifically targets programmable logic controllers (PLCs), which allow the automation of electromechanical processes such as those used to control machinery and industrial processes including centrifuges for separating nuclear material. Stuxnet functions by targeting machines using the Microsoft Windows operating system and networks, then seeking out Siemens Step7 software. Stuxnet reportedly compromised Iranian PLCs, collecting information on industrial systems and causing the fast-spinning centrifuges to either tear themselves apart, or spin irregularly and fail sooner than normal. Stuxnet Has really opened up a can of worms (sic), since it could be tailored as a platform for attacking any modern supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and PLC systems (e.g., in factory assembly lines or power plants), the majority of which reside in Europe, Japan and the US.

 Stuxnet reportedly ruined almost one fifth of Iran's nuclear centrifuges. Targeting industrial control systems, the worm infected over 200,000 computers and caused 1,000 machines to physically degrade.

 Stuxnet has three modules: a worm that executes all routines related to the main payload of the attack; a link file that automatically executes the propagated copies of the worm; and a rootkit component responsible for hiding all malicious files and processes, preventing detection of the presence of Stuxnet. Versions of Stuxnet incorporated up to four or five “zero day” exploits and several stolen, digitally signed certificates for device drivers, both unheard of in the normal “hacktivist” world.  It is typically introduced to the target environment via an infected USB flash drive, thereby crossing any air gap. The worm then propagates across the local or wider network, scanning for Siemens Step7 software on computers controlling a PLC. In the absence of either criterion, Stuxnet becomes dormant inside the computer. If both the conditions are fulfilled, Stuxnet introduces the infected rootkit onto the PLC and Step7 software, modifying the code and giving unexpected commands to the PLC while returning a loop of normal operations system values feedback to the users.

 Kim Zetter’s book traces the discovery of a version of Stuxnet in an Iranian personal computer by Sergey Ulasen, of VirusBlokAda a small security company in Belarus, to unpacking and reverse engineering Stuxnet and variants by the Symantec and Kaspersky security groups over a number of years.  She also discusses the ramifications of what amounts to a cyber-attack by one nation-state against another, and the fact that this technology is now available in the wild for possible further use.

Ray Gruszecki
May 8, 2019 & May 12, 2021



I am reading a book by Sandra Mackey entitled “Lebanon, a House Divided”, which is of particular interest to me, since I lived in Southern Lebanon in the 1960’s, and evacuated my family from Beirut during the Six Day Arab-Israeli war.

 Ms. Mackey’s book delves into the formation of Lebanon as a country, explores the country’s internal schisms, and comments on some of the leaders of the various factions in Lebanon.

 While I lived south of Sidon, Lebanon in 1966-67, Charles Helou, a Christian, was President, Rashid Karami, a Muslim, was Prime Minister, Sabri Hamadé, a Shia was Speaker of Pariament and Kamal Jumblatt was the Druze leader.  Names like Camille Chamoun, Suleiman Frangieh, Pierre Gemayel, Saeb Salam, were not unfamiliar in Lebanese politics during this time.

 Mackey’s book is a historical review of the politics and factions that led to the formation of Lebanon after the Sykes-Picot agreement carving up the Ottoman Empire, that had the misfortune to be on the losing side of the Central Powers during the first world war.  Mackey describes the patchwork of Lebanese factions that formed the country, and the events leading up to the Lebanese civil war of 1975-90.

 My write-up of our interrupted stay in Lebanon follows:


Six Day War, Lebanon, Trip from Athens to Rotterdam

 We were living in Zahrani, about 5 km south of Sidon, Lebanon in June, 1967.  I was Technical Service Superintendent at the small (20,000 bpcd) Medreco (Mediterranean Refining Company) refinery, a joint venture of Chevron Texaco, Exxon and Mobil, operated by Caltex.  We had been there since mid 1966.  John Creecy was refinery manager.  Len Rayburn was Operating manager and Dick Doyle was Engineering/Maintenance Manager.

 Life was idyllic.  We had a large house in a lemon grove overlooking the refinery, and about 1 km from the Zahrani Country Club and 18 hole, (alternate tees), golf course.  Swimming in the Mediterranean was also available about 1 km away.  We had a young maid who also served as nanny and baby sitter for the kids.  The kids went to local English language schools, but who were also learning French and Arabic.  Our daughter Suzanne acted as interpreter for our maid, whose only full language was Arabic. 

 My wife Eileen called me at about noon at the refinery on June 6, 1967 and advised that war had started between Israel and the surrounding Arab countries.  Refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War.  At about 2 AM the following morning, we were advised to pack travel bags and to car pool to Beirut to the apartment of Bob Benkiser, who was the Caltex Marketing Manager for the area.  We did that and congregated at the apartment, where Ms Benkiser served breakfast and snacks to about 25 men, women and children.

 David Wessel and I drove to the Medreco office in the eastern part of Beirut on personal business with no problem.  We returned and had some breakfast, and at that point I heard a popping sound, like popcorn popping.  The 3rd floor apartment we were in was on the Corniche, about midway between the U.S. and British embassies.  The popping was the sound of gunfire & we later learned that U.S. Marines fired over the heads of rioters that were storming the embassy.  Note that this is the same embassy that was later bombed by terrorists in 1983, killing 63 people.  Beirut link

 A riot was in progress in the street below us, with burning cars and a lot of shouting and noise.  There was no gunfire or explosives, other than the warning gunfire by the marines.  We had anxious hours throughout the day as our management sought to find air passage for our dependents out of Lebanon.  The rioting abated and we moved en mass to the American University of Beirut campus and waited several long hours there for finalization of the flight.  It turns out that our dependents were able to get on the last flight out of Beirut.  They evacuated safely to Rome, while several of us stayed back to run the refinery and other Caltex interests in Lebanon.

 We had no particular issues running the refinery.  Len Rayburn and I stopped in Sidon on the way back to the refinery after getting our dependents off.  We got a few stares, but nothing more.   We were told later by several Lebanese refinery employees, who apparently were members on the Christian right wing, that they would offer protection in case of any real trouble.

 The worse thing that happened to me during our several week stay in South Lebanon involved golf.  I was playing particularly well on one Saturday and was on the way to winning many golf balls in a Nassau round when we heard a rumor that the Israeli forces had invaded Lebanon from the south.  We curtailed our round after nine holes and I did not win as many golf balls as I would have liked.

 As time progressed, I arranged for wife and children to go from Rome to Athens, where I later joined them by loading our 1964 VW Beetle on a small Yugoslav cruise ship/freighter out of Beirut and wending my way through the Mediterranean toward Piraeus/Athens.  We stopped at Rhodes for an evening, and at Crete for a full day.  Most of the passengers were Soviet Bloc, which made for interesting cocktail conversation at the ship’s bar in the evenings.

 While in Athens we saw some of Greece, particularly Athens and Delphi, and later drove with our fully loaded VW Beetle and three children, from Delphi to Rotterdam, where we had once resided.  While the family was in Athens, my son Craig learned to swim in the pool at the Athens Hilton.

 We tarried along the way in what was then un-balkanized Yugoslavia for about three weeks, and vacationed primarily along the Adriatic Coast.  I retraced our route recently.  We could not enter Albania at that time, so our route took us through what is now Macedonia (Skopje); Kosovo(Pristina, Peja); over “the top” of Albania to Montenegro (Podgorica, Petrovac on the Adriatic).  The drive from Skopje, Macedonia to Petrovac, Montenegro was a 15 hour ordeal.  For part of the trip we sat on mud roads behind donkey carts on the way to market.

  Over the rest of the three-week period, we continued along the Adriatic coast through what is now Montenegro, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia.  We stopped for several days in Zadar, Croatia, where we saw a marionette show and a real European circus, among other things.  We continued through the Austrian Alps into Austria and Germany, stopping at Salzburg, Austria and Munich.  We also visited Dachau, near Munich. 

 I shipped the Volkswagen from Rotterdam to New York, the family sailed to New York on the Holland America line, and I flew on ahead to prepare for our resettlement in Peekskill, NY.

Ray Gruszecki/
January, 2016, May 2021


Wednesday, May 12, 2021




 Four months in, and evidence of exactly how amateurish and incompetent the Biden cabal actually is, abounds all around us.  Our enemies and antagonists, including Iran, Hamas, the Taliban, China, Russia, North Korea, and the international hacking community, realize that any modicum of strength and resolve in our government has dissipated with Biden’s re-staffing with 1960’s retreads and 20-30 something sociology/gender studies majors.  Biden and his minions are weak, our antagonists know it, and are taking advantage.

 Because of Biden’s vindictive, anti-Trump border policies, undocumented aliens, including Middle East terrorists and active Covid carriers are streaming across our southern border aided by coyotes who are also bringing in deadly drugs like fentanyl.

 Biden’s policies are paying workers more to stay home and watch Netflix, than they can earn in the workplace, inconceivably precipitating both high unemployment, and a labor shortage.

 Biden has shut down energy pipelines that were contributing to our energy independence, and hackers have insolently shut down a major eastern pipeline, causing gas lines and high gasoline prices reminiscent of the 1970’s.  Gasoline has increased from about $1.80/gal, to nearly $3.00/gal during Biden’s 4 months.

 Kerry’s mis-conceived efforts to assuage the Iranians about the JCPOA, have emboldened Iran’s client, Hamas, to rocket-bomb Israeli civilians, with no response, other than mild verbosity from Biden and his handlers.

 Trump’s Arab-Israeli Abrahamic peace accords lay dormant in Biden’s inept state department.

 A reverse Joe McCarthyesque pall has settled on our society, fueled by identity politics, “wokeness” and cancel culture.  That our country is systemically racist, is being taught in our schools, and pervades our workplaces.  Our fellow Americans are not being considered for their skills and competence, but instead for the color of their skin, or their ethnicity.

 Children in many states are being kept out of classrooms because of distorted, unscientific, political views concerning Covid.

 Our president and his minions continue to wear Covid masks, even outdoors, even though this has been proven to be unnecessary and indicative only of virtue signaling.

 About the only thing that Biden and his forces have not messed up is the Trump “warp speed” vaccines.  Biden, as is his plagiarist wont, has tried to take credit for the vaccines, but at least he has encouraged vaccinating the country.

 In spite of the obvious, ratings polls still show Biden consistently above 50%, with some biased polls showing him as high as 63%.  One can only infer from this, that most of the people in this country are gullible enough to endorse Biden’s attempts to move America toward socialism, forgetting the warning of the historical record that socialism/communism never works long term.  It seems that our population is euphoric about no more brutal truths and tweets from Trump, and are glad to be returning to a weak Carter/Obama style form of government.

Ray Gruszecki
May 12, 2021

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Onward, Toward Socialism/Communism


Onward, Toward Socialism/Communism

 Pew Research is rated least biased by the independent Media Bias Fact Check Group, so their polls and studies are normally free of the typical left wing media bias.

 This linked extensive Study of media coverage and public response to Biden’s first 100 days really does not bode well for the country.  Apparently, the media-led ovine masses believe that good old grandfatherly Joe is not really a liar, exaggerator and plagiarist, and that his rush toward a one-party, totalitarian socialism bordering on communism, is not detrimental to the country.

 It appears that the leftist educators have done their job over the past half century, inculcating socialism into our collective psyche, notwithstanding the 120 million people killed in the twentieth century by regimes espousing this virulent political philosophy.

 The continuous dishonesty, hypocrisy and double standards of the emergent Biden oligarchy is absolutely disgusting.  Wide acceptance of these patently unfair practices by an American public led by a biased, leftist media is truly painful.

 Biden has always had delusions of grandeur, and fashions himself to be a progressive giant on the order of FDR.  In fact, Biden’s backing in congress is a 50/50 senate, and a very narrow 218-212 majority in the house.  FDR in the 1930’s, had massive democrat majorities in both house of congress, to pass his New Deal.

 Nonetheless, Biden’s minions have had him push $6 trillion of new legislation, with euphemistic names like “American Rescue Plan”, “American Jobs Plan”, American Families Plan”, whose names don’t begin to reflect the tax and spend socialist “pork” included in these plans.  Like all things Biden, the names are lies and exaggerations.  The real purpose is an unbridled socialism, heading toward totalitarian, one party, communism.  “Uncle Joe” may not know what he’s doing half the time, but don’t underestimate his alt-left handlers.

 Remember Lenin’s quote, “The goal of socialism is communism.”


Ray Gruszecki
May 1, 2021