Tuesday, May 25, 2021

How Do You “Bidenites” Like the Country Now?


How Do You “Bidenites” Like the Country Now?

 How do you voters for Biden, whom I call “Bidenites”, like our country now?  President Trump is not in your face daily with brusque truths and pithy tweets.  That’s why you “voted”  him out, right?

 Not because of his remarkable efforts to make “warp speed” vaccines available in 9 months, and into people’s arms soon thereafter.  Not because of his tough stance on law and order.  Not because of his avowed American patriotism.  Not because of his stance for equality for all Americans, and not the artificial “woke”, “equity” of identity politics.  You voted him out because of his big mouth and his tweets, right?

 How do you like Biden’s and his handlers’ country?  Their murders and high crime rates in the cities?  Their inflation?  Their high gas prices?  Their open borders to all comers, Covid, criminals, fentanyl?  Their cloying, slow, bureaucracy?  Their unabashed acquiescence and subservience to China’s Xi and Russia’s Putin, and all of the world’s villains?  Their weak, mumbling rhetoric, mostly denials, accomplishing nothing?

 You must like something about Biden.  You give him a 50% plus approval rating.  Do you like his trillions in socialist spending where you got $1200 per person?  Do you like the $300 per week they pay you for not working?  Do you like the identity politics, “wokeness” and cancel culture working like a cancer in our country?  Do you like the bigotry and hatred of the “critical race theory” being taught in our schools?  Do you like the socialist/communist siren song propaganda of academia, Hollywood, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo, and the rest of the biased left stream media?

 I don’t know if there is enough common sense and pragmatism left in our country to overcome these very dangerous, destructive trends initiated and being pushed by alt-left socialists and their media accomplices.  I have hopes that the futility and misery of what is happening in the country will speak for itself.

 Hopefully, the current destructive elements will be voted out of government before they manage to convert the country into a one-party, totalitarian socialist system.  Our politics has always waxed and waned between left and right.  Let’s hope this still pertains before the alt-left socialists/communists erase the senate filibuster, pack more leftist states into the union, and pack the SCOTUS with left-wingers.

Ray Gruszecki
May 25, 2021

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