Saturday, May 1, 2021

Onward, Toward Socialism/Communism


Onward, Toward Socialism/Communism

 Pew Research is rated least biased by the independent Media Bias Fact Check Group, so their polls and studies are normally free of the typical left wing media bias.

 This linked extensive Study of media coverage and public response to Biden’s first 100 days really does not bode well for the country.  Apparently, the media-led ovine masses believe that good old grandfatherly Joe is not really a liar, exaggerator and plagiarist, and that his rush toward a one-party, totalitarian socialism bordering on communism, is not detrimental to the country.

 It appears that the leftist educators have done their job over the past half century, inculcating socialism into our collective psyche, notwithstanding the 120 million people killed in the twentieth century by regimes espousing this virulent political philosophy.

 The continuous dishonesty, hypocrisy and double standards of the emergent Biden oligarchy is absolutely disgusting.  Wide acceptance of these patently unfair practices by an American public led by a biased, leftist media is truly painful.

 Biden has always had delusions of grandeur, and fashions himself to be a progressive giant on the order of FDR.  In fact, Biden’s backing in congress is a 50/50 senate, and a very narrow 218-212 majority in the house.  FDR in the 1930’s, had massive democrat majorities in both house of congress, to pass his New Deal.

 Nonetheless, Biden’s minions have had him push $6 trillion of new legislation, with euphemistic names like “American Rescue Plan”, “American Jobs Plan”, American Families Plan”, whose names don’t begin to reflect the tax and spend socialist “pork” included in these plans.  Like all things Biden, the names are lies and exaggerations.  The real purpose is an unbridled socialism, heading toward totalitarian, one party, communism.  “Uncle Joe” may not know what he’s doing half the time, but don’t underestimate his alt-left handlers.

 Remember Lenin’s quote, “The goal of socialism is communism.”

Ray Gruszecki
May 1, 2021

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