Saturday, May 15, 2021

Bidenville – Before and After the Honeymoon


Bidenville – Before and After the Honeymoon

 Phrases like “stolen election”, “election fraud”, or anything expressing doubt about Joe Biden’s receiving 14-18 million more votes sitting on his ass in his basement, than the saintly Obama got in his two elections, are quickly disparaged and expunged by the new Biden “thought police”. 

 Similarly, the hundreds of thousands of illegal votes that mysteriously found themselves in Biden’s totals, the upwards of one thousand whistleblowers who have signed legal affidavits, and the myriad smartphone and other recordings that have detailed some of this after-hours chicanery by the democrats, has been cast into the realm of “conspiracy theories” by the leftist propagandists.

 The unfortunate and untimely demonstrations that took place on January 6, 2021 at the capitol have been seized upon by the pro-Biden media, and twisted all out of proportion, into a seditious, insurrectionist act.  The alt-left alarmists have created a fortress Washington DC” in response to these fictional “right wing extremists”, with thousands of troops and concertina wire barricades.

 Not to condone the stupidity of these demonstrations, but the twisted media coverage of these pro-Trump demonstrators, put the nails in the coffin to any resistance to the validity of the election.  To be noted, this same media posted virtually no words about comparable riots against federal facilities all through a riotous 2020 summer.

 Anyone questioning the constitutionality of the illegally changed voting laws in the swing states just prior to the election, or any other questionable activity by the democrats, is immediately identified by the pro-Biden media and the “thought police”, as a “right wing insurrectionist”.

 Some states are attempting to remediate election fraud, but in the meantime, we are stuck with an inept president and administration pushing the country toward an oligarchic, socialist, one-party form of government that will control every aspect of our lives.  What is the analogy for this?  One needs to look at a prosperous, robust Venezuela in the early 1990’s, just when Hugo Chavez first took power.

 And our gullible, ovine masses believe that the election was valid, that questioning any aspect of the election is a “conspiracy theory”, and that grandfatherly old Joe Biden and his dishonest, bureaucratic minions are preferable to President Donald Trump’s sometime brutal, in your face, truths and irascible tweets.  Apparently, the ovine masses have been convinced that it is better to have a career bureaucrat and politician talking about the issues, than a pragmatic businessman like Trump, actually solving them.

 Biden’s approval rating is over 50% in most polls, including reliable polls like Pew Research, whereas Trump’s approval never exceeded 50%.  Biden’s numbers may weaken with continued disasters like the southern border crisis, signs of impending inflation and a weakening economy, the dichotomy of a labor shortage and high unemployment because people are paid a premium not to work, gasoline and fuel shortages caused by hacker attacks on a major pipeline, and resistance to identity politics, “wokeness” and cancel culture.

 It seems that Biden’s virtually only success is continuing Trump’s initiatives by urging enough people to get vaccinated to approach herd immunity from Covid.  Biden, the plagiarist, tries to take credit for the vaccination effort, but it was Trump’s “warp speed” programs that made three viable vaccines available in 9 short months, and established a vaccination regimen within our federalist system.

 The other positive response to Biden is most likely the $1.9 trillion, euphemistically named “American Rescue Plan”, that doles out $1400 to individual Americans, bails out poorly run democrat cities and states, and injects gobs and gobs of other socialist-style pork into the economy.  The promises of another $4 trillion, in addition to the $4 trillion already approved, make every democrat and socialist and advocate of a one-party totalitarian government quiver with anticipation.

Ray Gruszecki
May 15, 2021

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