Wednesday, May 12, 2021




 Four months in, and evidence of exactly how amateurish and incompetent the Biden cabal actually is, abounds all around us.  Our enemies and antagonists, including Iran, Hamas, the Taliban, China, Russia, North Korea, and the international hacking community, realize that any modicum of strength and resolve in our government has dissipated with Biden’s re-staffing with 1960’s retreads and 20-30 something sociology/gender studies majors.  Biden and his minions are weak, our antagonists know it, and are taking advantage.

 Because of Biden’s vindictive, anti-Trump border policies, undocumented aliens, including Middle East terrorists and active Covid carriers are streaming across our southern border aided by coyotes who are also bringing in deadly drugs like fentanyl.

 Biden’s policies are paying workers more to stay home and watch Netflix, than they can earn in the workplace, inconceivably precipitating both high unemployment, and a labor shortage.

 Biden has shut down energy pipelines that were contributing to our energy independence, and hackers have insolently shut down a major eastern pipeline, causing gas lines and high gasoline prices reminiscent of the 1970’s.  Gasoline has increased from about $1.80/gal, to nearly $3.00/gal during Biden’s 4 months.

 Kerry’s mis-conceived efforts to assuage the Iranians about the JCPOA, have emboldened Iran’s client, Hamas, to rocket-bomb Israeli civilians, with no response, other than mild verbosity from Biden and his handlers.

 Trump’s Arab-Israeli Abrahamic peace accords lay dormant in Biden’s inept state department.

 A reverse Joe McCarthyesque pall has settled on our society, fueled by identity politics, “wokeness” and cancel culture.  That our country is systemically racist, is being taught in our schools, and pervades our workplaces.  Our fellow Americans are not being considered for their skills and competence, but instead for the color of their skin, or their ethnicity.

 Children in many states are being kept out of classrooms because of distorted, unscientific, political views concerning Covid.

 Our president and his minions continue to wear Covid masks, even outdoors, even though this has been proven to be unnecessary and indicative only of virtue signaling.

 About the only thing that Biden and his forces have not messed up is the Trump “warp speed” vaccines.  Biden, as is his plagiarist wont, has tried to take credit for the vaccines, but at least he has encouraged vaccinating the country.

 In spite of the obvious, ratings polls still show Biden consistently above 50%, with some biased polls showing him as high as 63%.  One can only infer from this, that most of the people in this country are gullible enough to endorse Biden’s attempts to move America toward socialism, forgetting the warning of the historical record that socialism/communism never works long term.  It seems that our population is euphoric about no more brutal truths and tweets from Trump, and are glad to be returning to a weak Carter/Obama style form of government.

Ray Gruszecki
May 12, 2021

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