Saturday, May 22, 2021

Why They Vote Left



Why They Vote Left

 This Pew Research study goes a long way in explaining why a good proportion of our society leans to the left of the political spectrum and elects left-wing democrats, and why the current inept crop of democrats garners 50% plus approval ratings.

 What this study indicates, is that the socialist/communist indoctrination taught in our schools and colleges for the past 50-odd years has come to fruition.  Individual responsibility has been diminished in much of our younger population by the left-wing educational process, and by the laissez-faire way that we raise our kids. Responsibility has been replaced by reliance on "big daddy" government programs giving away "free stuff".

What is even more disturbing is the current "woke" effort to inject "critical race theory" like the "1619 project", and other themes denigrating our American history, culture and society into our schools. These efforts stem from the "Black Lives Matter" movement, which is a self-acknowledged Marxist organization, and not a social justice or civil rights group, as their propaganda would have us believe, and again, as accepted by much of society.

Continued exposure in our schools and society to Marxist theory and identity politics will not fail to lead our population even further on the path toward socialism/communism, and toward a one-party, totalitarian government.

 It is becoming increasingly evident after four months in office, that a weak, ineffective, egotistical, borderline-senile Joe Biden and his alt-left backers, are wrecking our country by fostering “wokeness”, identity politics, and cancel culture domestically; and by a weak acquiescence to our foreign antagonists, China, Iran, Russia, North Korea and others. 

 We really need a businessman’s approach like we had under Trump, but the democrats unconstitutionally changed state election rules and voted him out.  They didn’t like his brusque, businesslike manner and his tweets, so they shut him down, and brought back the weak, ineffective bureaucracy that we now have.  This should stand as a vivid example of just how ruthless and Machiavellian our leftist democrats really are.

 We need to vote these alt-left wreckers of our society out of office.  Trump’s patriotic populism needs to be infused with less showmanship and more attention to conservative American principles and common sense.  Of course, this assumes that the ovine followers of “free stuff”, become aware that the piper needs to be paid in the long term, and that they come to their pragmatic senses.

Ray Gruszecki
May 22, 2021

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