Tuesday, August 31, 2021

No Leadership


No Leadership

 This poor excuse for a president comes out one day, reads some tough words from the teleprompter, blames President Trump for everything, elicits sympathy for his son Beau, and then mewls into his briefing book.

 The next day, he angrily takes personal credit for ending the war in Afghanistan, blames everyone else but himself for any issues, mentions Beau again for sympathy, admits that 10% of the Americans in Afghanistan, and countless Afghan allies are left behind, and rants on about how great a job he has done on Afghanistan.

 In the meantime, there are reports of Taliban thugs torturing and beheading our Afghan allies, seeking out and persecuting Americans, and enslaving young girls into Taliban warrior “weddings”.

 Is this guy living on Mars?  Or is it just an application of Josef Goebbels’ law of propaganda, “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”.  Or, just feed it to the sheep who voted for me, and they will go baa—aa.

 It has become increasingly obvious to many of us, our allies and our enemies, that this country has no effective leadership.  There might have been a saving grace if we had a strong vice president waiting to take over, but who do we have?  Giggling Gertie.

 We are in a sad and vulnerable place as a country.  The best we can hope for is to vote out the “woke” socialists in 2022, and establish strong republican majorities in both houses of congress.  Strong enough to impeach and convict both incompetent leaders would be nice, but that’s wishful thinking.  Curtailing these idiots, if they don’t do too much harm first, would be a start.

 Ray Gruszecki
August 31, 2021


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