Friday, April 29, 2022

Putin and ICBM’s


Putin and ICBM’s

 Not something that we think about every day, but when Putin “rattles his nukes”, he is not necessarily only talking about small battlefield weapons.

 Ultimate nuclear weapons are ICBM’s with multiple nuclear warheads (MIRV’s), that can destroy most of the major cities in a modest country with one launch.  And there are thousands of active ICBM’s in the world in countries such as the U.S., China, Russia, U.K., France, India, North Korea. 

 Clearly, there is still enough nuclear capability in the world to completely destroy our blue marble and kill everyone on it.

 Putin is being embarrassed by how poorly his vaunted Russian military have performed in light of the determined resistance the Ukrainians have mounted, using the billions of military aid that virtually the whole world has supplied to them.  Putin may not be mad, as some claim, but a wounded ego from military failure, exacerbated by crippling sanctions on Russia, and particularly on Putin and his fellow oligarchs, may cause him to react irrationally.

 Ray Gruszecki
April 29, 2022

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