Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Elon Musk

 Elon Musk

 Elon Musk is an amazing guy.  He is once again the richest person in the world, holds three citizenships (U.S., Canada, South Africa), is on the Asperger’s spectrum and has built his wealth from a modest start.  He alternates periodically with French luxury goods tycoon Bernard Arnault for the title of richest person in the world, depending primarily on Tesla stock price.

 Musk looks funny and talks funny, but he recently came up with $45 billion to buy twitter and clean it up for free speech and the first amendment.  He is not a card-carrying conservative.  His (American) politics are a little left of center.  But he is a straight shooter, and a fair and honest person.

  Here are some links about this brilliant, charismatic entrepreneur, who will have us driving electric cars on Mars with brain implants in the near future.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 7, 2023

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