Monday, June 26, 2023

What’s Wrong with Our Country?

 What’s Wrong with Our Country?

 Joe Biden Stumbles to the podium in his dotage and continually lies to our faces.

 Biden is an inveterate, corrupt liar and throwback to Tammany.  He outright lies with an arrogant smile, while he and his crime family line their pockets and laugh at our so called “justice”.

 Our Department of “Justice” and Merrick Garland are dishonest and two-tier, persecuting republicans and coddling the democrats and the left.  Of course, Garland smugly denies it.

 Our written, visual and audio media is so biased and dishonest, that most of it should be considered a propaganda arm of the democrats.  Were it not for Fox, National Review, Newsmax and a few others, we would never learn what is actually happening in our world.

 Opposition republicans and whistle blowers come forth regularly, and they bloviate in congress and on TV and cable, talk an indignant game, and form investigative groups, but nothing ever seems to get done to bring the offenders that are ruining our country, to task. 

 As a case in point, the vaunted John Durham Special Counsel investigation into misconduct related to the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe produced a 300-page report, but not much else, after running into several negative rulings by biased, liberal New York juries.

 A marginally republican house is investigating the Bidens, and the incriminating evidence in Hunter Biden’s laptop that shows “pay for play” abuses by Joe and Hunter Biden and family.  Just recently, we have several whistle blowers that are implicating the Bidens, father and son, in criminal activities.

 In the meantime, Hunter Biden skates with “slap on the wrist” misdemeanors for tax evasion and firearms charges, flaunting any sense of fair handling by our “justice” system.

 And, it’s not only the Bidens and their minions.  Our society has become corrupted by the violent actions of fringe activists promulgating marginal, anti-social mores, and what were once aberrations now involve large swaths of American life.

 Our young people are radicalized with topics like “Critical Race Theory”, “The 1619 Project”, drag queen shows, and socialism and communism straight out of Marx without admitting that it’s Marx.

 Gender surgery is now suggested for grade school kids without parental consent.

 We effectively have no national borders, and unvetted and unchecked aliens, terrorists and drugs pour into the country, including the Fentanyl from China that is killing our kids.

 Crime runs rampant in nearly all major cities run by democrats.  Police have been defunded by George Soros backed democrat administrations, and the courts are revolving doors for criminals.

 Democrat mayors like London Breed of San Francisco and Lori Lightfoot (now Brandon Johnson) of Chicago respond with smug arrogance when asked about crime in their cities, taking a cue from the “big guy”.

 Religious affiliation and belief in God have decreased dramatically in recent years, down as much as 12% in a recent Pew survey.

 Societal change is painful.  Accepting different guidelines for our behavior is not always easy.  Human nature is insular and resistant to change.

 But change is necessary for humanity to evolve.  Positive and necessary changes that have taken place over the past hundred or so years are enfranchisement and equal rights for women, and the same for our black and brown citizens who were once slaves.

 Unfortunately, an isolated incident like the inadvertent killing of George Floyd, a petty black criminal and junkie in Minneapolis in 2020, resulted in a summer of madness, violence, killing, rioting and mayhem. 

 Black Lives Matter was formed by three black liberal lesbians, to ostensibly provide funds for “abused” minority blacks.  After millions of dollars donated by gullible, well-meaning liberals, it developed that pretty much the only black lives that BLM helped were those of BLM’s founders, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi.  BLM proved to be a big con.

 Another necessary change is the acknowledgement that character defines a person, and not what they do in the bedroom or bathroom. 

 People that were of different sexual orientations were once ostracized and ridiculed.  A positive development is that now they are accepted in American society, and have defined equal rights.

 However, activists have taken the LGBTQ+ movement to extremes. We are asked to almost worship the LGBTQ+++++ groups, their acronyms and their complicated and confusing multi-colored flags.

 “Pride” month, June, 2023, extolling homosexuality, lesbianism and transgenders is overwhelming.  LGBTQ+++++ activists have literally forced not only acknowledgement, but active acceptance of this aberrant way of life.  What was supposed to be equal rights has become an unwanted force-feeding of homosexual mores.  The Biden cabal agrees and supports this politization of the queer communities.

 Unfortunately, both race and sexual orientation have been politicized by left-wing political activists to not only create divisiveness in our society, but also a deterioration of the American principles and values that our founders and ancestors fought and died for. 

 Will these continuing abuses to our American way of life ever end?  Only if we elect leaders willing to work toward restoring our American heritage and values.  Unfortunately, with our schools indoctrinating our young people with anti-American socialist curricula, this is easier said than done.  Its not impossible, but it will take a lot of work, and a review and revamp of our education systems.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 26, 2023

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