Sunday, June 4, 2023

Minorities Rule

 Minorities Rule

 A virulent form of reverse racism and reverse homophobia has developed in recent years from what was originally intended as “social justice” and “political correctness”.  This has resulted not in the “best” person being chosen for a job or promotion, but the “best black” or the “best  LGBTQ+++” person for said job or promotion, to the exclusion of a better qualified majority person.

 Much of what evolved from the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement is not only the equality of minorities in society, but the “equity” and hegemony of these minorities.  Gandhi’s and Martin Luther King’s non-violence and passive resistance has been replaced by activist violence in the streets by every conceivable little minority group with their particular point to push.  Recent examples are “trans” groups and subsets.

 I was born and raised in the North, in a little town in Western Massachusetts, which to my recollection was comparatively free from the type of bigotry we now see dividing the country.  In spite of the imputed reputation of “Yankee Insularity”, a large black family that moved into our little town was completely accepted and not discriminated against.  Seasonal black crop pickers were almost tribal, and we young white guys worked and socialized with them without any further thought.

 My heritage is Polish, and the area where I was raised had many ethnic Poles.  Local bigotry took the form of “Polacks vs Yankees”, with “Yankees” being anyone not Polish.

 Working in a cotton mill in the 1950’s there was occasion to observe a group that was looked down on by most of the local American workers.  These were displaced persons or “DP’s” from the war.  They spoke primarily Polish, and quickly caught the epithet “dumb Polacks”.  There were economic reasons for this discrimination.  The refugees were willing to work for lower wages than the American workers.

 Jews were shop keepers in our area.  I particularly got to know the Schwarz brothers since I bought guns and ammunition in their sporting goods shop.  My mother, having been born in Poland, came with a full set of anti-Semitisms.  She also disliked Russians.

 Concerning LGBTQ+++, we called them “queers”, and made snide remarks behind their backs.  They certainly were not accepted with “pride”.  Thoughts about homosexuals and lesbians were close to biblical.  But there were no overt actions against gays and lesbians

 In the present day, the world has become perverted, such that every aberration of human behavior is elevated to prominence, and majority “normal” people are held in contempt.  What started as a valid movement against discrimination of minorities has resulted in the “tail wagging the dog”, with minorities of all stripes and backgrounds clamoring for and attaining positions in what amounts to ruling classes in society.

 As MLK said, people should be accepted for the “quality of their character”.  Perhaps, with time, things will swing back that way, and this destructive divisiveness in our society based on the racist and homophobic principles of the destructive left-wing, will end.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 4, 2023

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