Friday, June 9, 2023

Trump the Persecuted

 Trump the Persecuted

 You can disagree with Trump politically.  You can call him an asshole for his sometimes childish and narcissistic behavior.  But any honest individual cannot deny that Donald Trump is the most harassed and persecuted president, ever, in all of American history.

 From the time that he rode down that escalator at Trump Tower in June of 2015 and announced his candidacy for president, he has been mercilessly hounded by the left-wing media, left-wing big tech and by the deep administrative state, including all three branches of the federal government, and most recently, the left-leaning courts in Manhattan, and at the DOJ.

 Trump was not versed in political niceties.  He was a hard-assed businessman from Queens, and he did not kow-tow to the powers that be in Washington, DC.  And it infuriated them.  He added fuel to the fire because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut and continued his angry responses against the injustices mounted against him, and to expose the rank unfairness of the Washington cabal. 

 But in spite of his halting and sputtering political start, and in spite of the Covid pandemic, and in spite of two hate-filled impeachments by Nancy Pelosi, Trump still did a lot of positive good for this country by applying common sense business principles.

 Do we still remember $1.80 per gallon gasoline, a real southern border, relatively low crime rates in our cities, and respect for American values and heritage?  We had all of that under Trump even in spite of continued attempts by the left and the administrative state to depose him. 

 Of course, the left and their dishonest media collaborators will never give Trump credit for any of the positives that he accomplished, but honest minded people don’t forget.  They just wish that he was a little less vociferous and narcissistic.

 Trump is a name-calling, in-your face street brawler who never gives up.  Can he prevail all the way to the presidency again?  His reputation has been trashed by unheard of criminal charges by DA Bragg in New York for alleged “hush payments”.  He also faces further indictment for document mishandling similar to what Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and a slew of democrats have gotten away with in the past, and are still getting away with. 

 Trump also faces a plethora of accusations and charges aimed at denying him an opportunity to run for president again.  It seems that nearly every day, we see one legal action or another against Trump.  Some of these are almost laughable, but unfortunately, they bear the imprimatur of judicial legality. 

 Trump is wealthy, and he has great lawyers, but the forces massed against him, (the media, big tech, the administrative state), are immense.

 Voters in the big democrat-run population centers bleat “baa__aa” to the likes of Al Sharpton, Lori Lightfoot, AOC, Gavin Newsome and others, and will never vote for Trump.  Neither will young folks who have been bribed by a constitutionally illegal student loan forgiveness by a misguided Biden.  Nor will “pro-choice”, abortion supporters, who continue to deny that abortion kills babies, now that Roe vs Wade is no longer federal law.

 But there are vast swaths of this country in which voters are honest, pragmatic and can see the tremendous damage inflicted on the country, in only the last few years, by the misguided policies of the left.  These Americans include the MAGA voters that the left has tried to denigrate.  Do we need to be reminded that MAGA stands for “Make America Great Again”?  What’s wrong with that?  Should the left’s slogan be MAWA, for “Make America Weak (or “Woke”), Again”?

 Trump is a fighter and he doesn’t give up.  He is also leading in early polling by wide margins.  It remains to be seen if he can once again overcome the forces from the left massed against him, and indeed, “Make America Great Again”.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 9, 2023

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