Sunday, June 4, 2023

Good and Bad and Equality

 Good and Bad and Equality

 This is my opinion as a conservative, libertarian and classical liberal thinker, who tries to stay pretty much in the rational middle, and to understand all sides of the political spectrum. I feel that many in this country who have not allowed themselves to become polarized and divided think similarly.

 I believe that all human beings in this world, no matter what their origin, ethnic background, religion or politics, and no matter what their looks, visage or skin color, are imbued with God-given equal rights.  That is to say that society and government should grant all people the same equal opportunities to succeed.  It does not mean a guaranteed outcome for certain groups based on the concept of “equity”, as proposed by leftist extremists.

 I also believe that there should be no restrictions on the assimilation of our racial minorities into the fabric of American life.  Long-term, say 200 years down the road, (if AI doesn’t get us first), we all may become pigmented from our African and Asian citizens, something like a permanent tan.

 That’s not to say that there won’t be pockets of Northern European whiteness and of Southern African blackness, or of Remnants of China, left, but for the most part, we Americans will just grow a little darker, and have slightly slanted eyes, with time.  And there is nothing wrong with this, no matter what some bigots might say.

 I do not believe that vociferous activists, racial, sexual or political, should automatically be treated as privileged just because they are loud and violent, or because of some ill treatment in the distant past.  It should be sufficient that we are all Americans, and should be proud to be part of this country, not to equate deviant sexual behavior with “pride”.

 There is also nothing wrong about being aware of environmental concerns and taking steps to preserve our planet.  Again, what is basically a good cause has been perverted into dishonest activist claptrap that bears no resemblance to the original.  Electric vehicles?  Fine, for 10-12% of cars.  Not 100% as ill-conceived by technically clueless politicians.

 Common sense has long left us in this helter-skelter rush to what the extreme left calls “social justice”, and really is nothing more than ignorant enforced socialism/communism without logic.  It currently pervades our “leaders’” thinking, and has gone a long way toward destroying our economy, our society, our values and our heritage.

 We really need to acknowledge and reinforce the positive foundations of our country, and root out the destructive elements that we have allowed to prevail.  Unfortunately, our young people have been indoctrinated to believe the lies prevalent in our society, and seem to have lost the perspective of history.  Guys like Trump come in like gangbusters and do a lot of good for the economy and foreign relations, but alienate many younger people by his crude, in-your-face  demeanor.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 4, 2023

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