Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Western Christian Paideia (WCP)

 The Western Christian Paideia (WCP)

 I’ve been watching some of the ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day.  Some of the participating soldiers are still alive.  These soldiers of the 1940’s were 18 and 19 year olds, led by 21 year old lieutenants and 24 year old captains.

 Now, this age group, consisting of seemingly intellectual and educated students and professors, wrap keffiyehs, shemaghs and Palestinian flags around themselves and take part in antisemitic protests.  And this is just one manifestation of an anti-American, anti-establishment, anti-religious movement that has corrupted our youth and American life in general. Ask many modern “twenty-somethings” about their beliefs and interests, and their response is some vacuous paean to progressiveness-based selfishness and self-absorption.

 Major Pete Hegseth writes about how our educational systems have been hijacked by so-called "progressives", who knew that they could not remake America in their own image until they had radically reshaped the culture of the nation. They could secure themselves key positions in Washington, the media, the major industries, and even the universities, but if they could not find a way to seize the reins of education at the grade school level, they would never be able to accomplish their long-term agenda.

 But to do that, to take control of K-12 education, they would first have to remove the one obstacle that could stop them: the Western Christian Paideia (WCP).

 Paideia, a Greek word that means both instruction and enculturation, was invented by the ancient Athenians who knew that they could not preserve their democracy without passing down their culture to morally self-regulating citizens who could think logically and act nobly. They accomplished that goal through an educational system steeped in tradition that shaped its pupils in accordance with universal standards of reason and virtue.

 Hegseth posits that our American Paideia, or WCP, that sustained us through Normandy and WWII into recent times has been eroded away by this modern secular progressivism, that has led to the vacuous selfishness of modern young adults.

 Ray Gruszecki
June 6, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Trump Trial

Trump Trial

 Alvin Bragg, Manhattan DA, and Juan Merchan, acting justice of the New York State Supreme Court, are not dummies.  They did not just fall from the turnip truck.  They are both well educated, well experienced democrat operatives in the left-wing New York State court system.  

 A Trump backer can cry “fix’ and “kangaroo court”, without attempting to appreciate the nuances and fine points of the ”novel” case that was woven around Trump.  It takes an ingenious legal mind and some legal legerdemain, to breathe life into a misdemeanor which was past the statute of limitations, and “Frankenstein” it into 34 as yet undefined felonies. And then convince a jury to convict a past President of the U.S. for the first time, choosing from a smorgasbord of several crimes.

 A trump hater can opine “got the bastard”, and “no one is above the law”, and applaud this legal effort without appreciating the impact that it has on the system of justice in NYS and the country.  Targeting an individual rather than a crime is straight out of the Soviet or Chicom or banana republic playbook. Persecuting an individual without naming a crime may be OK in some twisted NYS courtroom, but it would hardly even play in Moscow or Beijing.

 A couple of further thoughts:

Has Trump’s big mouth and combative attitude talked himself into a jail cell?  This guy Merchan is a “hanging judge”, as he has shown several times.  He has been an enemy of Trump and his minions.  I would not put it past him to throw Trump’s ass in Rikers for a spell.

 Many people blithely opine “well it will be reversed on appeal”.  Where, - NYC? Albany? SCOTUS?  When, - by 2028?  Also, remember, Merchan is not a dummy.  He may be a democrat operative, but he is an experienced judge.  He has not left glaring holes in the case. Just because some dislike his verdict does not mean that it was not legalistically valid.  An appeal may not be that easy.

Ray Gruszecki
June 4, 2024

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Crucial Times

Crucial Times

 Education, the very foundation forming the basis for our culture, government and its institutions, has been co-opted by the insidious infiltration of what some scholars call “Cultural Marxism”.  This trend began with the morphing of “progressive”, socialist and communist ideologies into our educational systems and universities after the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990’s.

 This does not consist of just “seeding” some courses at our universities with left-wing ideologies.  It consists of infusing our whole kindergarten through university curricula with Marxist  doctrines such as CRT, the 1619 project, oppressor vs oppressed and myriad leftist ideologies coached as| “social justice”.  

 In a long life that began in the 1930’s, I have lived and observed many changes in customs, beliefs and politics.  Until the last few years, most of these have been within scope of a distinctly western, Christian and American identity.  Pretty much across the board, we were proud of America and proud to be Americans.

 Differences in political beliefs did not alter our fundamental national identity.  We fought wars to preserve it and fashioned our government around it.  We may have debated politics and opposed wars and political parties, but we were bound together by the Constitution, Bill of Rights and our Laws.

 Our republic recovered from the Civil War, several race riots, two world wars, and the Vietnam War.  But our foundations of government pretty much stayed solid and intact.

 Three recent books alarm us to the takeover of our educational systems by “progressive” leftists.  “American Marxism” by Mark Levin, “The Coddling of the American Mind” by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, and “Battle for the American Mind|, by Pete Hegseth.

 This encroachment of left-wing “progressivism” on our schools goes a long way toward explaining how seemingly intellectual and educated students and professors can be led to wrap keffiyehs, shemaghs and Palestinian flags around themselves and take part in antisemitic protests.

 And this is just one manifestation of an anti-American, anti-establishment, anti-religious movement that has corrupted our youth and American life in general.  Ask many modern “twenty-somethings” about their beliefs and interests, and the response is some vacuous paean to progressiveness-based selfishness and self-absorption.  This is particularly true in the Acela corridor and the West Coast, but is spreading to traditionally stable Middle America.

 Unless this attack on the very foundations of our republic are stopped and reversed, there is danger that we may be relegated to the dustbin of history.

 Ray Gruszecki
May 28, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

October 7 and Israeli Reprisal

 October 7 and Israeli Reprisal

 “Useful Idiots” waving Palestinian flags have protested at college campuses across the country, and disrupted many graduation ceremonies.  These clueless young folks, organized by older professors and alumni, (with the financial backing of the Soros group and other deep pockets), seem to have forgotten the atrocities committed by the Hamas terrorist butchers on October 7, 2023, and have taken up the cause of Hamas and the terrorists.  The analogy is taking up the cause of Japan against the U.S. after Pearl Harbor.

 I thought that it would be pertinent to document exactly what happened on October 7 during the Hamas attack. 

 It became apparent that one needed to proceed cautiously, since reports about the attack were emotionally charged, with initial reports of babies being beheaded and burned alive by the Hamas attackers.  These, and similar hysterical reports needed to be thoroughly vetted and ignored.

 Caution was also necessary in querying and vetting possible AI manipulation of text and photos.  Not everything is as it appears.

 But, it eventually became evident from both eye witness reports and pictorial evidence that the Hamas attackers acted brutally and sadistically against the Israeli civilians in Southern Israel.  This included torture and murder of Israeli men, women and children, and particularly rape and mutilation of Israeli women as a feature of their rampage through Southern Israel.

 Statistics are sparse, but it is estimated that 320 women, 36 children and 800 men were slaughtered in these attacks.

 The links below are included so that we remember why the IDF is in Gaza to destroy the Hamas terrorist butchers.

 Uninformed students may hold demonstrations and sit-ins on U.S. and world college campuses in support of the Hamas butchers.  The “woke” Biden regime may withhold congress approved armaments from Israel.  The weak and complicit UN and ICC can try to make Israel and Netanyahu guilty for the war in Gaza and deaths of civilians shielding the Hamas terrorists.

 The fact remains that Hamas terrorist gangs brutally killed and  raped nearly 1200 Israeli, American and other nationalities, and took another 250 people+ captive.  It is beyond belief that Israel is being condemned for militarily eliminating the Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

 According to a recent poll, only seven percent of Gazans blamed Hamas for their suffering. Seventy-one percent of all Palestinians supported Hamas’s decision to attack Israel on October 7.

 To be noted is that the IDF in Gaza does not torture, rape and kill civilians as tools of war.  They warn civilians away from war zones with enough time to avoid casualties.  Hamas, on the other hand, uses civilians and hospitals as human shields, so there is loss of civilian life.


Caution, - the following images are graphic.  Also, some may be doctored by AI or other means.  It is believed that most of the material in the links serves as enough of a reminder of what the Hamas Butchers perpetrated on October 7.

 Oct 7

 Ray Gruszecki
May 2, 2024

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Student Antisemitic Protests

 Student Antisemitic Protests

 It is hardly likely that 18 and 19 year old students have the resources necessary to finance and organize the recent college protests across the country.  These kids are not able, on their own, to raise the finances, and to resuscitate the perennially dormant antisemitic ideologies that seem to dwell in western societies, and which have seemed to fuel the recent student protests.

 The above notwithstanding, a survey around “outside agitators” show this term to be deemed by the left to be derogatory and against the pursuit of freedom of speech.  We are guided by the left wing to accept the unlikely premise that these protests and all of their creature supports spring from the ground, are almost holy in nature, and are unaffected by the guidance of older activists.

 At risk of being called “conspiracy theorists”, we can unpack who really are the 30-40 year old paid and unpaid activists and agitators fueling these protests, and who is financing them.  Some of these activists are left-wing professors who have drunk the leftist ”socialist Koolaid”.  Others are disenfranchised, unemployed older “post grad” hangers-on for “social justice”.

 Virtually all protests are left-wing or socialist in nature, hide behind our First Amendment, and are destructive to our infrastructure.  They cite benevolent tropes such as “social justice” or “racial equality” as their driving forces, but there is always an undercurrent of anti-Americanism underpinning these movements.

 What distinguishes the current “pro Hamas”, “anti-Israel” protests is the emergence and activation of perennially dormant antisemitism.

  Again, in spite of the opprobrium of the left-wing, look to the usual suspects for financing and organization.  George and Alexander Soros and their “Open Society Foundation”, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, retired Wall Street banker Felice Gelman, and the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.  These are the groups with ”deep pockets” buying the Amazon tents, new Palestinian flags, pizzas being hoisted into buildings, and boutique snacks and drinks.

 So, once we acknowledge that the students themselves are primarily Alinsky’s “useful idiots” that are being guided by larger organized movements, we can take a look at the movements themselves. 

 All protests of the last 50 years, though coached as “social justice” protests, have some element of socialist inspired anti-Americanism.  What differs in these pro-Palestinian protests from the big civil rights protests of the 1960’s and the BLM, Floyd protests of 2020 is the emergence of once thought buried antisemitism.  Rather that some modicum of “social justice” as a foundation for past protests, these current protestors proudly chant “we are Hamas”, identifying with the terrorists that butchered 1200 innocent Israeli civilian men, women and children on October 7, 2023. 

 As justification for supporting the Hamas terrorists, protestors cite the Israeli reprisal in Gaza against Hamas, forgetting the fact that virtually all of the inhabitants of Gaza support Hamas. And have  been radicalized against Israel.  The analogy is backing the Japanese after Pearl Harbor after the U.S. chose to respond to their attack.

 These antisemitic protests were not occurring in some ignorant backwater parts of the country.  They are happening at Columbia, Harvard, MIT, USC, UCLA, GWU, CCNY, - prestigious bastions of US academia.  It is truly alarming that these exemplars of higher thinking and learning have been corrupted by the driving forces behind these antisemitic protests.

 Ray Gruszecki
May 11, 2024

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Campus Antisemitism

 Campus Antisemitism

 The continuing reports and images of antisemitic, pro-Hamas demonstrations across the country’s most respected college campuses elicit memories of pogroms and “krystal-nacht” in Germany of the 1930’s.

 Saul Alinsky’s “useful idiots”, purple-haired 19-year-old Tiffany, and her bun-haired companion, Brandon, did not organize and finance these demonstrations.  Someone did, - as evidenced by the  multiple rows of new Amazon labelled tents and signs on the campus malls, and the pizzas, soft drinks and other goodies being hoisted into the occupied buildings.

 It develops, upon closer inspection, that a goodly proportion of the campus demonstrators do not belong to the college at all.  They are older outside agitators, paid or unpaid, who are there to abuse first amendment rights by moving the action toward increasingly violent confrontations with the authorities.

 Tracking who is organizing and financing these protests is somewhat amorphous.  Look to the “usual suspects”.  The Soros “Open Society Foundation”, now run by Alexander Soros; The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights; retired Wall Street banker Felice Gelman; The Rockefeller Brothers Fund; other left wing groups.  Also, look to social media as the lubricant for these movements.

 Some colleges, like the University of Texas at Austin, and thankfully, my alma mater, Northeastern University in Boston, recognized this tantrum-like behavior, sent in police immediately, and rectified the situation.  Other, more “woke” and “progressive” institutions like Columbia and NYU, allowed the situation to turn into a national spectacle.

 It is indeed alarming, that these wide-spread demonstrations are in favor of the Hamas terrorists.  Whether they know it or not, these “useful idiot” college protestors are supporting the vicious butchers that slaughtered, raped and beheaded 1200 innocent civilian men, women and children in Southern Israel on October 7, 2023.

 I have tried to track the genesis of the ideology fueling the antisemitic campus protests.  I believe that it has its roots in the communism/socialism that found a home in our universities after the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s.  This has morphed into what some term as “American Marxism” and is the foundation for CRT and the current “wokeness” of our “progressive” society, a major feature of which is the concept of and “oppressor” and “oppressed”.  The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) of Israel follows from this.

 So, to support the emergent antisemitism, the Israeli reprisals for October 7 slaughter have made the Israelis the oppressors, and Hamas, the oppressed, in the Gaza war.  And the “useful idiot” young students on our college campuses, fueled by older non-college agitators and social media, support the terrorist butchers.

 Ray Gruszecki

May 1, 2024

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hamas and Antisemitism

 Hamas and Antisemitism

 Anti-establishment protests and demonstrations by (many times) uninformed students and young people are nothing new.  The right of assembly and protest are embedded in our constitution and founding documents as inalienable rights.

 Although not known by many, we still have an “American Communist Party”, as well as an “American Nazi Party” as entities in this country.

 When demonstrations turn violent and cause death and destruction, as did the Floyd/BLM riots of 2020, they should be stopped by lawful authority, like any other threat to a peaceful society. 

 When law and order suffers a collapse because of political factors as has happened in our country, it triggers anarchy and lawlessness in place of a lawful, ordered society.

 Antisemitic and pro Hamas terrorist demonstrations, no matter how distasteful and ill-conceived, are protected under our constitution.  What is not protected are terrorist activities disrupting our society and overt identification as members of Hamas as a terrorist entity whose goal is the active destruction of America.  In fact, one of the motivating slogans of Hamas is “Death to America”, which they shout on our campuses.

 Hamas is an acronym of the transliterated Arabic “Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-Islāmiyyah”, or “Islamic Resistance Movement”, in English. It is backed by various terrorist groups.  For example, George Soros is a backer and organizer:

 Our first amendment allows “peaceful” demonstrations by Hamas and by antisemites.  It does not allow violence or forceful disruption of society.  While considered odious by most law-abiding Americans, these demonstrations are protected by our first amendment.  People behind the pro-Hamas, antisemitism, like Soros, know this and take advantage of our constitution to wreak havoc on our society.

 Ray Guszecki

April 21, 2024

Friday, March 29, 2024

Patriotism and Life

 Patriotism and Life

 I was born in the 1930’s, before the Second World War.  My patriotism and love of my country developed during that war and other events as I grew to adulthood.  I also grew politically aware during this time, and although my mother, who was born in Poland, was an inveterate Roosevelt democrat who had lived in Chicago as a young woman, and I understood that FDR was our “fearless leader” during the war years, I questioned his “new deal” and some of his domestic policies.  I sort of liked old Harry, but not particularly his politics.  By the time Eisenhower was elected president in 1952, I was pretty much libertarian and/or conservative republican in my views.

 With considerably expanded knowledge of politics and how the world works, I really have not changed my views substantially over the last 70-odd years.  Oh, I have tweaked different aspects of my political belief system at various times, such as on abortion and its nuances, and on other issues from time to time.  However, I still consider myself conservative with libertarian leanings.

 Having said all that, it appalls me to see where this country has gone in terms of its ethical and moral degradation.

 Now, I realize that I am considered a dinosaur.  My parents and adults around me had 6th to 8th grade educations and worked long hours in factories or agricultural or other menial jobs.  Cars they drove were what they euphemistically called “terreppas” (after the Polish).  Radio and silver screen movies were about the only   entertainment, and you cranked a big box on the wall to reach an operator for an outside telephone line.  Life was mostly simple and devout, and oriented around family, friends, work and church.

 At 12 years old, I was doing odd jobs around yards and farms to make a little money.  By 14, I had a part-time job driving a Farmall M tractor harrowing a potato field.  By 16, I had a full-time shift at a cotton mill, while attending the honors program at a high school scientific course, also full time.

 I worked and earned my way to a degree in Chemical Engineering, getting out of college with no student debt.  Hardly possible now, but it was possible back then, with scholarships, a lot of dedication, hard work and some negative impact on grade point average.  My engineering class was about half returning Korean War veterans, and half younger types.  Guess whom I identified and grew closer to and drank with?

 And by the way, all calculations then were done manually, with use of a slide rule.  I saw my first (mechanical) calculator in New York in 1960, and bought my first “red eyed monster” pocket calculator in the early 1970’s.

 During the Second World War, and Korea, and Vietnam to some extent. The military handed an eighteen year old a bolt action Springfield rifle (or later an M1), and some grenades, trained him for six or eight weeks, and sent him to the other side of the world to fight “the enemy”.  That’s so we didn’t have to fight “the enemy” here in our country.  Some survived. Some did not.  American KIA’s in WW2 were 405k; Korea, 35k; Vietnam, 58k; War on Terror, 7k.

 So, twenty year olds back then were veterans of foreign wars.  Now we have 30 year-old plus millennials still living at home and clamoring for “free stuff”. Like college tuition loan forgiveness in exchange for the democrat vote.

 In my own case, thankfully, I never had to fight in an active war.  I was commissioned an officer in the U.S. Army Signal Corps and served a short spell on active duty after Korea, and before Vietnam.  I did some reserve obligation in the New York City area before working actively overseas for an international company that supplied large quantities of petroleum products to the U.S. military.  I got my DD-214 and Honorable Discharge without firing a shot other than in training.

 I started living life early, and I write this not to beat my own drum, but to illustrate how times have changed.  Now, terms like “dinosaurs” and “toxic masculinity” are derogatory terms used to describe those out of touch with mainstream society, which is ostensibly kinder and gentler.  Need society be reminded that they would not be here without these predecessors? Or speaking German or Japanese or Chinese.

 Those “dinosaurs” formed this country, fought its wars, died for it.  They maintained and nourished it against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  Now, in Biden’s and Obama’s time, the country is disintegrating into an ideologically extreme left-wing society, that refutes all of the positive history that made it.

 I am in process of reading “The Coddling of the American Mind”, by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, a liberal lawyer and social psychologist.  They explore our current society, and its escape to “safetyism”, cancel culture and identity politics. The book provides a pertinent contrast of our increasingly socialist life to bygone days under the influence of “toxic masculinity” and the “dinosaurs”.  This book points me back to original thinkers Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 30, 2024

Who is running Joe Biden?

 Who is running Joe Biden?

 Because, left on his own, by his own admission, he would “get into trouble”.

 A little history: The gullible democrats elected kindly, grandfatherly, 50 years in DC, multi-experienced, Joe Biden as a counter to wild, flamboyant, loud-mouthed, Donald Trump.  What the country got instead was an aged, senile, foul-mouthed, puppet, co-opted by the most leftist socialist ideology in modern times.  Joe Biden could not be left on his own. He needed to be controlled like a puppet.

 But who were the puppet masters?

 Researching this question produces few direct, definitive answers, and a lot of speculation.

 At one time, experts postulated that Susan Rice was the power in the shadows.  She left the administration nearly a year ago.

 Ron Klain’s name keeps popping up, and he is still a prime candidate for one of the “powers behind the throne”. So does the “power couples’, Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer”.

 Barrack Obama has been seen in the white house, and some speculate that Obama is actually in his “third term”.

 Having said all that, the democrats seem intent on running 82 year-old Joe Biden for president again in 2024, apparently counting on enough Trump hatred, (or some other nefarious scheme), to propel them to a win.  Democrats are continuing their unconstitutional efforts to bribe young voters with tuition loan forgiveness, and pro-choice women with abortion issues, so we’ll see if their bribes can succeed to any great extent.

 If some modicum of common sense prevails among the democrats, or if poor old Joe dribbles too many times on his $200 tie, we may see ”cackling girl” Kamala, or “pretty boy” Newsome” running for president.  Or it could be America hating Michelle as Barrack’s “fourth term”.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 29, 2024

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Biden Puppeteers and Hamas

 Biden Puppeteers and Hamas

 In three short years, (it seems like a lifetime), the Biden administration have pretty much ruined this country, in a systematic attack to change it into some sort of extreme left dystopia.  This Marxist-oriented cabal have afflicted nearly all aspects of American life.  Biden and his puppet-master minions have corrupted domestic policy, foreign policy, and the very moral and ethical fabric of our society.

 The latest transgression against right and reason is the U.S. call in the UN Security Council for a cease-fire by Israel and continuing rule in Gaza by the Hamas terrorists.  Forgotten are the 1200+ innocent Israel civilian men, women and children that were raped, tortured and brutally slaughtered on October 7th.  What is remembered are the ultra-liberal rantings of some extreme left purple-haired news maven about the brutality of the IDF against Palestinian children in Gaza.  Also neglected is the fact that three quarters of Palestinian Gazans Support Hamas and their unprovoked, brutal attack in southern Israel on October 7th.

 No one condones killing civilians, and particularly children.  The IDF goes out of its way to avoid this, but Hamas knows this.  So, Hamas establishes command and control in hospitals, kindergartens, and the like.  The IDF is no stranger to such tactics, which break all conventions of war, so, they issue many warnings to civilians, and tread carefully before embarking on a military operation.  Some innocents are inadvertently killed.  Such are the vicissitudes of war.

 Benjamin Netanyahu is a strong leader who has vowed to eliminate the terrorist organization Hamas.  It is doubtful that he will be dissuaded from this goal by a mewling, weak-willed excuse of an American president.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 26, 2024

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Our Country is Hurting

 Our Country is Hurting

 Let me list some of the ills afflicting the U.S.

 Probably the most egregious issue, that affects everyone, is the continually increasing high cost of living. As most people know, what once cost $100, now costs close to $150. This pertains to groceries, gasoline. heating oil, utilities  and many other necessities of life.

 Another issue prominently on many people’s minds is crime that is running rampant in the country, and the disregard and disrespect of the law.  Cities, and increasingly, the countryside, are dangerous.

 A third issue is lack of an effective Southern border, and the millions of unvetted illegal aliens flooding into the country, along with deadly fentanyl and human sex slaves.

 Lack of an effective energy policy, and a headlong rush into unproven, expensive, and unwanted EV technology.

 Undue attention and elevation of race, LGBTQ+++++. trans gender, and other minority issues, to the exclusion of equal rights for all Americans.

 Lack of effective climate policy and reliance on pseudo-science.

 Pew Research enumerates and discusses the question better than me’'s%20list%20of%20the,drug%20addiction%20and%20gun%20violence.

 It would be easy, as some have, to blame all of these woes on Joe Biden and his sophomoric, Marxist-steeped minions.  But that’s not the whole story.

 The rot in our society spread when the old Soviet Union fell in 1989, and the ideology of communism and socialism spread and morphed into our universities, and thence into our society.  The ground was fertile for these socialist ideas, so they took root and grew into massive ideological constructions.

This process was not overt, like the bigoted Eugene McCarthy communist purges of the early 1950’s. It was gradual and steeped in the language and dicta of academia. We saw smatterings of this left-wing phenomenon in various past U.S. governments, but it did not come to full fruition until Joe Biden, the doddering, stumbling, yelling, “useful idiot” took office. Then it really flourished and resulted in all of the above.

Who can forget Biden's childish glee and vindictiveness as he signed away our energy, our security, our economy, our national identity and our morality with a plethora of nearly 100 executive orders his first days in office.

 Ray Gruszecki
March 23, 2024