Sunday, April 28, 2019

Attacks on Fox News

Attacks on Fox News

This Washington Post article is an unbalanced and one-sided attack on Fox News, and is in keeping with the leftist editorial policy of this publication.   The New Yorker Magazine “investigation” referenced in the WaPo article is a similarly long and dreary harangue against Fox News and President Trump. 

If these two publications were rational, balanced news media, one might be more attendant to some of the points and claims made in these articles.  It is clear to any discerning consumer of the media, however, that both the Washington Post and the New Yorker Magazine are more “in the tank” of the socialist-democrat left, than they claim Fox News to be in the conservative and/or Trump camp.

I’ve never been fond of the term “fake news”, but it has to be evident even from mild exposure to most of the mainstream media, like the NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC ABC, CBS, NBC, that all of these are biased against republicans, conservatives and President Trump.  If it were not for Fox News, National Review, WSJ, and a few other media outlets, everyone in the country would be thoroughly brainwashed to the leftist socialist-democrat point of view.  As pointed out in these two anti-Fox and anti-Trump articles, why is viewership of Fox News so much greater than other channels?  Could it be that people are finding more truth and resonance at Fox?

Ray Gruszecki
March 20, 2019

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