Friday, April 12, 2019

Trump, Why and Wherefore?

Trump, Why and Wherefore?

I have never been a big fan of Donald Trump, the man.  In fact when I lived and worked in the New York City area, seeing “Trump” all over the city skyline somewhat turned me off.  I never followed his celebrity marriages and sexual encounters and TV reality shows.  I really could care less about all of that publicity and ostentation and braggadocio.

Being mostly republican and definitely against the corrupt Clinton machine, left little choice but to vote for Trump.  After all, we were not electing him because he is such a nice guy or for his personality, we were electing him to fix the country by halting or slowing the economic and cultural decline resulting from eight years of Obama’s apologist, identity based, socialist governance.

Trump’s campaign for president was entertaining, to say the least.  He did not elicit high blown philosophical and political principles.  He espoused business principles. He also belittled and called his opponents catch-phrase names, like a grammar school bully.  And all the forgotten deplorables holding onto their guns and bibles in flyover country and the rust belt, as well as a good deal of the rest of American voters, found his antics refreshing and elected him president.

Then the question became whether to support Trump’s rather rude and crude way of governing, or oppose him.  Some good republicans opposed him, I guess based on his personality and his questionable and halting first months in office.  The democrat leftists, supported by 90% of the mainstream media in the country absolutely vilified him and threatened to impeach him for a variety of implied transgressions.

The reason that many like myself continued to support him was because of his results in face of the absolutely unfair and one-sided leftist machine arrayed against him.  These anti-Trump leftists tolerated absolutely no opposition or debate.  Their groupthink and groupspeak was the only way.  Anything else was “racist” or “white supremist”.  Their rioting in the streets and destruction were termed first amendment dissension and opposition.  Any demonstrations from the right were illegal and “racist”.  The continuing, unmitigated hypocrisy of the democrat leftists and their MSM allies is appalling and pervades all aspects of our society.  Anyone interested in common decency and fairness cannot fail to see the abuses.

For all of his bluster and BS and sometimes outright lies, the economy is roaring, (not because of Obama – because Trump lowered taxes and did away with stifling regulations), unemployment is at record lows, ISIS is defeated, North Korea is relatively quiet, inequitable trade is being redressed and immigration is at least in the forefront of our thinking even if the democrats (and some RINO’s), refuse to participate in a solution.  All this in spite of all the head winds of MSM opposition, the Mueller investigation and cries of impeachment.  (What are they going to impeach him for? For any of the above?  I don’t think so).

So I still think of Trump, “on jest takim dupkiem”, which my Polish mother used to say.  But look at the alternatives in the coming 2020 election.  Old Joe? Been there, done that, but at least somewhat normal and human.  Bernie? Old firebrand communist, who took it to the streets a long time ago, and can still fire up the gullible kids with “free stuff”. Elizabeth Warren?  Trump “dearrowed” her a while back, but she’s “persistent”.  Pretty much the rest of the leftist candidates?  All trying to outdo each other on how far socialist/communist left they can go, supporting weird things like the green new deal, wealth confiscation, gun confiscation, reparations to myriad past minorities and on and on, with methods used by past socialist/communist/totalitarian regimes to pacify their people for future plunder, all steeped with the rubrics of “political correctness”, “social justice”, the #metoo movement and other cultural innovations.  No its Trump in 2020, unless he completely goes off the rails, again not because he’s a nice guy, but because he needs to continue cleaning house and streamlining the country now that he is free from the Mueller investigation.

Ray Gruszecki

April 12, 2019

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