Sunday, April 28, 2019

Trump and Racism Revisited

Trump and Racism Revisited

Our coastal leftist democrats and the 90% + anti-Trump mainstream media has painted Trump as a virulent racist.  Drawing on this, Bernie Sanders has called Trump a racist to partisan crowds, and Joe Biden’s participation announcement called Trump a racist based on his comment after Charlottesville that there “were fine people on both sides”, which was taken completely out of context and implied that Trump was referring to white supremacists as “fine people”.  In actual fact, the “fine people” comment pertained to innocent, non-violent protesters, (who had permits), to removing General Robert E. Lee’s statue from the Charlottesville park.  Trump soundly condemned the torch-carrying white supremacists and neo Nazis, as well as the black-shirted and masked antifa thugs with baseball bats that fought with the alt-right group.  He expressed sympathy for the peaceful demonstrators that were there to protest the degradation of a famous American general.

Admittedly, Trump’s rhetoric sometimes gets carried away to the point that he expresses what a lot of Americans think, but which is anathema to politically correct leftists, and their MSM accomplices.  Talk is cheap, someone once said, and the term “racist” is so overused by the “woke” leftists, that it has become almost meaningless.  Disagree with the groupthink left about virtually anything, and immediately be termed a “racist”.

Many feel that Trump should keep his mouth shut and his thumbs off the tweeter, particularly when it comes to ethnic comments which are as natural as The Bronx on an Eastern construction site, but not so cool in this intersectional, “woke” political environment.  Inappropriate rhetoric and tweets notwithstanding, Trump is not at all “racist” when it comes to action, rather than words, for minorities.  Trump has always stressed the equality of “all Americans”, with no unusual special privileges for identity groups.  This is what puts him at odds with socialist elitists in the coastal and major urban centers and the mainstream media that back them, whose “cause celebre” is special treatment, reparations and glorifying of identity groups.  The link refers to action that Trump has taken concerning minorities, rather than his sometimes provocative rhetoric, and the equally provocative rantings of the left.

Ray Gruszecki

April 26, 2019

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