Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why Leftist Hatred

Why Leftist Hatred

We Americans have always had political parties, to reflect our disagreements.  From Alexander Hamilton’s Federalists and Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic Republicans, through Henry Clay’s Whigs and Andrew Jackson’s Democrats, and on, to Lincoln’s Republicans and a continuation of the Jackson Democrats, finally nuanced by history to our current Republicans and Democrats.

Most times, and ideally, we were able to debate and settle our differences at the ballot box, and within the framework of our government, but not always.  In the mid nineteenth century, we had a debilitating war costing nearly a quarter million American lives over our differences.  Sometimes, as in the mid twentieth century, riots in the streets and burning cities related to civil rights and the Vietnam war punctuated our disagreements.

So, by those precedents, the current rift and rancor in our politics may seem mild by comparison. 

Well, it doesn’t feel mild.  One has to ask the question, why does the secular, “woke” left hate republicans and particularly conservatives and libertarians, with such an unreasoned, burning hatred, which is now exacerbated and magnified by that big target, Donald Trump?  This irrational hatred is not reciprocated by most of the opposing right, who certainly disagree with the other side on issues, but are normally willing to debate these issues in a rational and civilized fashion. The left will not debate.  They cling to their world-changing belief with a religious fervor.  They “unfriend” people.  They punctuate their radicalism by denying free speech at our universities, by violence in our streets and by continuing lies in the mainstream media.  Any efforts to counter their hardly camouflaged groupthink movement is termed by the shopworn epithet, “racist”.

It almost seems as if this continuing hatred of the right is rooted in an inability by the leftists to accept the results of the 2016 election.  They refuse to acknowledge that Trump won the election, and that in spite of his outsize personality and personal foibles, he is the true and bona-fide president of the United States.  He is not here because of “Russian collusion”.  He is not a Russian spy committing “treason”.  He is the republican President of the United States.  Since he or his campaign did nothing illegal during the 2016 election campaign, he was rightfully angry at the injustice of a special counsel investigating his activities.  His railing, cursing and tweeting against the investigation, while called “unpresidential” by some, reportedly did not constitute “obstruction of justice”.

A striking characteristic of the left is how mercurial and hypocritical they are.  A recent example of this is how they almost deified Robert Mueller while they thought that his investigation would find Trump guilty of all sorts of crimes, and how they quickly turned him into a villain when his report found Trump not guilty of any illegality.  Other examples relate to a dual system of justice for democrats and republicans.  Hillary Clinton obstructed justice in too many ways to count – permanently deleting emails, smashing Blackberries and hard drives, and on and on.  No charges were brought against her – yet.  Trump got pissed off at the Mueller investigation and Nadler wants to impeach him for it.

I’m willing to debate nearly all of the points of contention between democrats and republicans – socialism, healthcare, immigration, sanctuary cities, gender issues, metoo, “your truth”, guilt and innocence, etc.  I will not debate abortion, which kills more human beings than any other cause, and that’s a personal issue with me.

Other than debating differences, what gets me angry and sends me more toward Trump than I would normally be, are the blatant lies, hypocrisy and this duality of justice between right and left.  This is exacerbated by 90% of the mainstream media propagandizing on behalf of the left, and refusing to acknowledge when they have been so obviously wrong, as in the Mueller affair.

Ray Gruszecki
April 22, 2019

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