Sunday, April 28, 2019

Pre Mueller Report

Pre Mueller Report

I’m writing this before the full Mueller report is released to the public tomorrow, and I predict that it will be another big “nothingburger”.  Attorney General William Barr, who is not only the top law enforcement officer in the country, but also a former Attorney General and a lawyer’s lawyer with an impeccable credentials, has already given us the bottom lines.  No collusion.  No obstruction of justice rising to a criminal offense. No further indictments.

Leftist democrats like Nadler and Schiff will not be satisfied with the legally redacted report, and will strive to obtain the unredacted report and the million or so pages of background, so that they can continue what amounts to their harassment of Trump and the executive.  And surely there is derogatory material about Trump in the massive amount of material that Mueller and his band of largely democrat lawyers produced in two years for 25 million dollars.  There just are no crimes, so Messrs. Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi and the angry democrats are just whistling in the wind.

As has been proven so far in this farcical investigation, go to the mainstream media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NYT, WaPo Time, et al for continued entertainment on the “collusion delusion”.  Go to Fox News, WSJ, National Review for honest (but right oriented), news.  It certainly has been proven so far that these latter sources told the true story as the Mueller investigation unfolded.  The mainstream media forged a fiction and breathlessly reported it as news for two years.  Talk about rank hypocrisy!  And it’s been reflected by their drop in ratings when the public realized how badly they were being lied to and misled.

What should be way more interesting than beating the dead horse of collusion, obstruction, etc.  by the Trump campaign, are the IG report by Horowtiz, Bill Barr’s investigation of democrat spying on the Trump campaign, and Devan Nunez’ efforts to “investigate the investigators”, and to see how far up the democrat chain the conspiracy to prevent Trump’s election, and to depose him when elected, reached.  How about the misuse of the FISA process?  Did Obama know? Certainly, some of this material is in that million pages or so of backup material?

Ray Gruszecki
April 18, 2019

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