Sunday, April 28, 2019

No Collusion, No Criminal Obstruction, No Further Indictments

No Collusion, No Criminal Obstruction, No Further Indictments

No Collusion, no criminal obstruction, no further indictments of anyone.  What a betrayal by the saintly Robert Mueller and his band of lawyerly democrats!

But Trump thought bad thoughts.  He said nasty things. He cursed and swore at the enemies massed against him.  He almost used his Article II powers to fire more than just Comey.

In this bizarre “1984” or “Fahrenheit 451” or “Animal Farm” or “Brave New World” scenario, this latter is not allowed, and the groupthink police as represented by the democrats like Nadler and Schiff, backed by Pelosi and Hoyer, will attempt to punish Trump and his minions based on the cultural principles of leftist group identity politics and “social justice”.  It’s not enough that Mueller wasted two years and 25 million dollars to prove nothing, the leftists in the House need to provide fodder for the mainstream media propaganda mills by spending additional time and money re-litigating the Mueller investigation. 

Americans, other than the inveterate and unshakable Trump haters, might say “enough already”, and continue to stray away from the leftist propaganda-laden CNN and MSNBC to Fox News, the only cable outlet that has told the truth about what has been happening with Trump, Mueller and the whole process, for the last two years.  Some might stay with CNN and MSNBC, for the sheer entertainment value of seeing eight to twelve talking heads bobbing up and down in agreement in their blind hatred of Trump, with not one word of dissenting argument allowed, unlike Fox with their Juan Williams, Jessica Tarlov, Marie Harf, Donna Brazile and many other dissenting leftist voices.

President Trump could hold the key to eternal world peace in one hand, and the cure for cancer and other major diseases in the other hand, and the democrats, or socialists, or what they call themselves today, would be convening a hearing on whether Trump helped Jared Kushner to get a security clearance.

The pure hatred of Trump by the leftists and their mainstream media cohorts is so great, that you simply cannot find an honest, balanced view of Trump and his doings anywhere but in a very few middle of the road or right-leaning media outlets.  Just turn on CNN or MSNBC any time of the day or night, for a propaganda-laden litany of anti-Trump rhetoric, with no opposing views.  Thank goodness for AP, Reuters, USA Today, WSJ, Fox News, National Review, because without these we would be completely inundated and indoctrinated by the preponderance of the leftist mainstream media. 

Why this unbalanced and irrational hatred that some call “Trump derangement syndrome”?  It would be easy to simplify and say “because he won the election”, or because he expresses conservative values.  But it’s more than that.  Trump flies in the face of the leftist cultural warriors and relishes it.  He does not give lip service to the leftist inspired erosion of inalienable rights and associated moral values.  He opposes the leftist attacks on our American way of life, and loudly exposes and fights the associated hypocrisy.  All to the cries and wails, and now the HR committee actions by the obstructionist left.

Not that Trump has always been some crusading angel.  It’s obvious to anyone who has been around a while, and has some street smarts, that he has cut whatever corners he could legally get away with to attain and retain his wealth. Its “water under the dam”, but the majority HR leftists would sure like to open all past indiscretions to embarrass him.  So far he has stayed one step ahead of them, in spite of harassment not endured by a president since Lincoln’s days.

Trump is a showman.  He is flamboyant.  He embellishes.  He lies.  He does not neatly fit into a political slot.  Leftists call him a “racist”, based on some of his campaign verbiage.  His actions belie that fact.  Although he has not been given credit, he has done much more for minorities than the “philosopher king”, Obama.  

In spite of overwhelming opposition, business and the stock market and the GDP are booming, employment is at record highs (including minorities), wages and take-home are higher, ISIS is defeated, NOKO is dormant, trade is being re-balanced to our benefit – and on and on.

Ray Gruszecki
March/April, 2019

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