Sunday, August 2, 2020

Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Marxism, Anarchy

Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Marxism, Anarchy

Our poor, tired country is undergoing a slow Marxist/socialist/communist revolution hiding within Black Lives Matter and Antifa groups, that are purporting to be civil rights and social justice groups. Gullible younger Americans, already educated in the altruistic features of Marxism/socialism, but not the brutal totalitarian parts, are mostly receptive to this potential social restructuring.

What started as an angry reaction to the brutal killing of a Black American in Minneapolis, and lawful demonstrations against this anecdotal racism and police brutality, soon were infiltrated by activist Marxist organizers that turned the demonstrations violent.  BLM and Antifa founders and leaders voiced and published their Marxist backgrounds and aims, so it is not just empty conjecture that what they are doing across the country is destroying our history, culture and heritage.

For what real purpose, one may ask?  Their spokesperson will say “to end systemic racism”.  But their dialectic equates “racism” with capitalism, so their real purpose is to end “capitalism”.  And, of course, there is always the ever present, over-riding goal of all leftist groups, to bring down Trump, that great big orange ogre in Washington.

All manner of anti-establishment violence is tolerated by the new Jacobins.  Arson, looting, pillaging, murder (even of children) – all ok, and all handled by democrat city administrations as “catch and release”, “no bail”, cases.  The next step, - deface and tear down the statues and monuments.  First the confederate ones; next our national heroes and founders; and finally, religious icons.  The goal is to destroy all trappings of our history and heritage.  The ignorant street gangs don’t even know the difference between a confederate and abolitionist statue.

In the meantime, long established American brand names are fed to the voracious cancel mob for censure or erasure.  Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, the Washington Redskins, and many others, all sacrificed to the mob.

In the media, whether TV or press or online, comments antithetical to the accepted leftist, BLM narrative, whether fresh, or twenty years old, are sought out and the authors ostracized, doxed or fired from their jobs.  I have read about such attempted takeovers of thinking, some real, some fictional.  Communist Russia in the 1920’s, and Nazi Germany in the 1930’s, were real. The Nazi Josef Goebbels was particularly adept at controlling the propaganda narrative in Germany in the 1930’s.  In fiction, George Orwell’s “1984”, and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” come to mind.

Will it end?

If Joe Biden wins the presidency later this year, I believe that the country will continue its downward spiral into socialism/communism, similar to what happened in Venezuela in the late 1990’s.  Biden is a “straw man”, who has never been much of a leader in his nearly 50 years in Washington.  His incipient senility makes him even less of a leader now, and since the extreme left have taken over the democrat party, (and Biden), he will follow Hugo Chavez into “the squad’s” socialist paradise.

If everyone holds their nose on his abrasive, “in your face” personality, and Trump wins, and we get some of the democrat “summer of love” and “sanctuary city” mayors and governors voted out, we may have a chance to restore the country, particularly if the corona virus finally ends and the economy comes back to nearly where it was in early 2020.  We may have law and order back, end the rampant killings in our streets, pragmatically, (and not just symbolically) address the residual bigotry in our society and police, and all of us Americans, whatever our color or ethnic origin, be proud again to live in this best country in the world.

Ray Gruszecki
July 14, 2020

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