Monday, August 31, 2020

Law and Order in Our Streets

Law and Order in Our Streets

There is something fundamentally wrong with the democrat party leaders of U.S. cities and states that tolerate, or turn a blind eye to the rioting and violence in our cities, which now is three months old, and which is now spreading to our suburbs.  Apparently, these democrat mayors and governors let their hatred of President Donald Trump overcome their responsibility to keep their citizens safe.

An egregious example is Muriel Bowser’s Washington D.C., where Senator Rand Paul and his wife were accosted and threatened by an angry mob, a stone’s throw away from the White House, after the president’s inauguration acceptance speech last Thursday.  It is beyond belief that our city streets, including those in our national capitol, are not safe for a U.S. senator to traverse on his way to his hotel.  Shame of Mayor Bowser for painting massive “Black Lives Matter” signs on Washington streets, and failing to protect her citizens.  See Mrs. Rand Paul’s account below of their frightening experience on Thursday night.  

The democrats continue to call the increasingly violent actions in the streets “peaceful protests” seeking “social or racial justice”.  The “knee on the neck” that allegedly resulted in suffocation of a black petty criminal and drug addict in Minneapolis set off what started as truly peaceful, first amendment sanctioned protests about racism and police brutality. What has evolved from these origins are violent, virulent, destructive riots by the Marxist and Trotskyite activists and revolutionaries, under the mantle of “Black Lives Matter” and “Antifa”.

The fact that George Floyd was a petty criminal, already had breathing issues, and was high on fentanyl, was never reported by the rabid, anti-Trump democrats and media.  The only narrative offered to the public, was that Floyd was an innocent martyr, brutally murdered by the “racist” Minneapolis police.  Floyd was given three nationally televised funeral services, while Minneapolis and other cities burned “in his honor”.

No one condones Floyd’s brutal death at the hands of the Minneapolis police.  But was it racist in nature?  The four officers involved were Caucasian, Black, Hispanic and Asian.  Where is the racism?  They certainly should not have kept a suffocating knee on his neck after he complained about difficulty in breathing earlier, but Officer Thomas Lane’s body camera shows a long and determined fight and resistance put up by a drug-fueled Floyd when the police tried to arrest him, so subduing him and keeping him quiet was obviously an issue.

Similarly, the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, is represented by the democrats and their mainstream media accomplices as an innocent, unarmed black man shot by white police officers with racial motives.  The facts are that Blake was armed with a knife, reaching for something in a car, and had a warrant out on him for sexual assault.  The police shooting him seven times seems obviously excessive.  Whatever the circumstances, it does not justify burning down and destroying little, suburban, Kenosha.

This is Kelley Paul’s account of their ordeal with the mob in D.C. last Thursday.


Here is Rand Paul’s wife’s account of what happened.

Update from Rand Paul's Wife About Last Night's Attack

Thursday night felt like being in a terrifying dystopian novel. The mob swarmed me and my husband, Sen. Rand Paul, in a tight circle, screaming expletives, threats, and shouting, "Say her name." We rushed up to two police officers, and I believe that is the only thing that kept us from being knocked to the ground. Even pressed against the officers, we were greatly outnumbered.
As the mob grew and became more threatening, we literally could not move, and neither could the two officers for several minutes. The rioters were inches from us, screaming in our faces.

That was the worst part. At first, I attempted to meet the eyes of one of the protesters and tried to explain that Rand authored the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act, but it seemed to just infuriate them more, as they called me a "bitch" and "racist wh---" alongside an endless torrent of "f--- yous."

Mobs are terrifying. They looked at us with no humanity — just a vicious and righteous zeal. After that, I just kept my eyes down and prayed. All I could think of was the driver who was pulled from his car, viciously kicked in the head and left lying in his own blood in Portland, Oregon, last week.

Now the Associated Press is reporting that Rand used the word “attack” to describe our ordeal “without evidence.” This is disgusting and utter proof of their bias.
When you are surrounded by throngs of people screaming in your face and preventing you from getting away, that is an attack.

After several harrowing minutes, additional officers arrived with bikes and surrounded us to create a moving barricade to escort us to safety. The video showing us walking is after the additional police had arrived. Before that, we were pinned in the center of a swirling maelstrom of hatred and threats. Those in the media and in government who have downplayed the last three months of burning, shootings, murder, looting, and destruction have fomented this horrific violence.

Since his election in 2010, Rand has made criminal justice reform a priority and has sponsored dozens of bills to address civil asset forfeiture, overcriminalization of nonviolent drug offenses, and the racial disparities in sentencing caused by the 1994 crime bill. I serve on the board of a bipartisan criminal justice reform group and worked hard to lobby for passage of the First Step Act. I have appeared with Alice Marie Johnson and Matthew Charles at events and on various TV programs to advocate for more reforms.

The mob screaming in our faces seemed ignorant of the fact that Rand had authored the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act, calling for a ban on no-knock raids. Either that or they just didn’t care because their hatred of President Trump makes them feel righteous and justified as they terrorize people and burn cities.

Several of our friends were also attacked trying to make it to their hotels last night, including one who had his glasses slapped off his face, another who was pepper-sprayed by a rioter, and a woman who was punched in the back.

In the last three years, my husband was shot at by the Bernie Sanders supporter who nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise, had six ribs broken and his lung damaged by a vocal internet hater of President Trump, and endured numerous death threats against him and our family. An MSNBC reporter literally said on air, laughing, that Rand’s assault was her favorite news story of the week. She was hardly criticized or made to apologize, let alone fired.

People such as Bette Midler and Nancy Pelosi’s daughter regularly tweet out encouragement of the man who nearly killed Rand, which is amplified by thousands of their followers. My message to all of them is this: You have become exactly what you say you hate — violent, close-minded, authoritarian, and utterly lacking in empathy.”

These are the “peaceful protests” that Muriel Bowser and other democrat mayors and governors and their mainstream media allies are trying to sell to the American public.  The latest ploy is to blame President Trump for “inflaming” these riots by condemning them and praising reaction to them.  One really has to ask, when will all of this nonsense stop?  Certainly not with a Biden presidency.  Haven’t we learned time and again, that acquiescence to violence only breeds more violence?  The only way it will stop is federalizing the national guard in the several states, or sending in federal troops the way Eisenhower and Lyndon Johnson did in past civil rights disturbances and associated disregard of federal law.

Ray Gruszecki
August 31, 2020

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