Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Old Fox - The News and Propaganda

The Old Fox - The News and Propaganda

It took an old, irascible, controversial Australian, and his minions, to remind this country that freedom of the press was guaranteed in our bill of rights, and then ensured that it was available to all of us.  If it were not for Rupert Murdoch’s, and now his family’s, Fox network, this country would be exposed only to the left-wing propaganda of the mainstream media, which is essentially an adjunct of the democrat party.

The same claim is made about Fox being a mouthpiece for the republican party, but I dare any fair-minded person to watch CNN and MSNBC for a day, and then watch Fox for a day, and then report on whose programming is less biased and inflammatory.

Oh, I don’t mean the acknowledged opinion programs like Fox’s Tucker Carlson Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, that are admittedly right-wing, or comparable CNN and MSNBC opinion shows like Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow, and others, who are leftist.  I mean what should be normal, unbiased news programs throughout the day.  Fox will give the news in a relatively unbiased manner.  CNN and MSNBC with give a leftist commentary on the news indistinguishable from propaganda.   The same goes to a somewhat lesser degree for ABC, CBS, and NBC.  PBS is a trifle more balanced, but the left-wing bias still shows through.

At one time in this country, we could turn on any of the major networks, either radio or TV, and get a reasonable recitation of the news, or a fair opinion program of current events, Then it became evident that what we were watching and listening to, had a slant, and it was mostly toward the left or democrat side of politics.  Eventually, the news was not only slanted, it became downright biased. left-wing propaganda.

Along came radio talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, in the 1980’s, who offered a counter right-wing slant of the news.  William Buckley, Sean Hannity and others followed with radio programs, to counter the burgeoning left-wing onslaught.  I remember particularly Limbaugh, being excoriated by the left, back in the day.  Hardly fair to compare those democrats with the current crop of Marxist based, “woke”, “cancellation culture” radicals and agitators.  Those old leftists were almost civilized by comparison.

Finally, the Aussie group headed by media baron Rupert Murdoch founded FOX network, as a full-fledged right oriented alternative to the other networks, and hired Roger Ailes, a political and media consultant, to head it up.

Some references:

Ray Gruszecki
July, 2020

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