Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Counter Revolution


Counter Revolution


Any thinking American can predict that there will be a reaction, and most likely, a counter revolution to the mayhem and violence that has overtaken our country.  The establishment elitists in our urban areas have cowered in fear and cratered to the revolutionary Black Lives Matter and Antifa Marxist mobs hiding behind first amendment civil rights protests.  Acquiescence to mob actions by left wing city and state leaders, and their mainstream media accomplices, have only led to more and more abusive mob actions.


First it was increasingly violent street action.  Then the targets of the mob were confederate related statues.  Next were all statues and monuments that denoted American history.  Other icons of American culture and heritage followed.  Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and the Washington Redskins had to go.  Next came the looting and thievery of both upscale stores and mom and pop shops.  Facing little opposition and no bail, “catch and release” rules enacted by clueless liberals, the mobs moved to trying to burn down government buildings after locking people inside.  The mob always burned American flags.  Now they added bibles to the fires.  All the while, the left-biased mainstream media continued characterizing these violent terrorist acts as “peaceful protests”.


Federal marshals protecting a federal court house in Portland, Oregon were called “stormtroopers” and “gestapo” by Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker, and parroted by leftist media minions.  Joe Biden and the democrats in congress not only failed to condemn the mob violence, they endorsed it as “peaceful protests”.


City leaders in New York and Washington and other cities painted “Black Lives Matter” signs on iconic streets, and a large sign was placed outside of Fenway Park in Boston.


Not one honest American doubts the words that “Black Lives Matter”.  Of course, all American lives matter.  Unfortunately, the BLM movement in practice, is a Marxist organization, started by Marxist/Leninists and promulgating the Marxist principle (via Alinsky), of destroying capitalism, which they somehow equate with racism,  The avowed purpose of BLM, as voiced by their founders and leaders, is to destroy all trappings of American history, culture and heritage, and to replace it with what they regard as a social/communist utopia.  Apparently, the recent example of once very wealthy Venezuela succumbing to the siren song of Hugo Chavez’ socialism/communism, is lost on these clueless liberal Marxists and their media backers.


Professor Victor Davis Hanson posits that there 250 million pissed off people in this country that eventually will take a stand against these domestic terrorists, rather than letting the country go the way of Venezuela.  Hopefully, this counter revolution will be at the ballot box in November, but the way Americans are arming themselves may be a harbinger of another form of counter revolution.  Let’s hope that the latter is not the case.


Ray Gruszecki

August 11, 2020

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