Sunday, August 2, 2020

Violence and “Social Justice”

Violence and “Social Justice”

Many of us Americans are concerned about the violence in our cities hiding behind “social justice” and “peaceful protest” skirts, and abetted by left wing local governments.  We are further concerned that respected polls, like Pew Research, show that two thirds of the Americans polled support “Black Lives Matter”, the Marxist based organization most often identified with this street violence.  An additional cause for concern is that most political polls show that Joe Biden, who has embraced the radical and socialist left, including Black Lives Matter, leads President Trump in the national election polls, sometimes by double digits.

Without resorting to conspiracy theories, these factors indicate that our beloved country is heading toward a Marxist/socialist/communist disaster, - a win by a senile strawman Joe Biden, whose strings are, and will be, controlled by his radical Marxist puppeteers.

But wait.  Are those polls really worth anything?  How many people polled in 2016 were willing to admit that they were going to vote for Trump?   And now, with the “woke” left, the doxxing, the “cancel culture”, - how many people polled are willing to say that they back Trump?  How many are willing to wear their red “Trump” hats in public without fear of having a brick thrown at them, or being fired from their jobs?  It would appear that our extremely polarized society, caused by the radical, strident and rabid left, has imparted a whole new meaning to Nixon’s “silent majority”.

This is supported by recent data that indicates that most republicans and independents refuse to divulge their real political feelings in the phone calls upon which the polls are based.  Also, the young radicals and activists in the streets make a lot of noise and cause a lot of destruction, but normally voting is too boring for them, - no instant sensory gratification.

These two factors taken together indicate to me that all of the pissed off real Americans in the country will have had enough of Marxists posing as civil rights leaders, “CHOP” zones in our cities, fires in our streets, our citizens beaten, our shops ransacked, our police shot at and spat upon and worse, and our history, culture and heritage being destroyed by angry, ignorant mobs. 

Some vigilantism is already apparent in reaction to the lawlessness and decreased police activity.  But what I am hoping for is a revolution at the ballot box on November 3, that elects President Trump for another term, and also brings in strong republican majorities into both houses of congress that can accomplish something, rather than the inertia of recent years.

Ray Gruszecki
July 23, 2020

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