Sunday, August 2, 2020

John Lewis Funeral and Barrack Obama “Eulogy”

John Lewis Funeral and Barrack Obama “Eulogy”

John Lewis was an American civil rights hero who used principles of non-violence in the streets and legal means in congress, to further the cause of marginalized American minorities.  He did not don a black hood and loot and riot and cause mayhem in the streets.  He joined Dr. Martin Luther King in the peaceful, but insistent drive for civil rights and voting rights for all.  He used Christlike and Ghandian passive resistance principles to give meaning to the 1960’s civil rights mantra, “We Shall Overcome”.

He was also a dyed in the wool democrat, and seemed to forget that the civil rights movements of the 1960’s and 1970’s were largely against the entrenched bigoted “Jim Crow” Southern democrats who were part of his adopted party.  It does not make him any less of a hero for the indignities he suffered at the hands of these democrats, but his adoption of this racist democrat party as his long-term party of choice seems a little hypocritical.

It seems that John Lewis’ week-long funeral arrangements were a little over the top and approached those normally reserved for heads of state.  Considering that similar arrangements were made for George Floyd, a petty criminal and drug addict, who nevertheless was unnecessarily and brutally murdered, adds some context.  John Lewis was a true American hero.  George Floyd has become the symbol of Marxist based BLM and Antifa destruction of our history, culture and heritage.

Barrack Obama’s “eulogy” of John Lewis is another matter altogether.  All of the Obama-philes and media lovers of Obama in the world fawned and swooned over the great orator’s words.  It seems that his dulcet tones narcotized the meaning of what he was saying, because blanketed by the accolades to John Lewis was an unmistakable political propaganda narrative that was downplayed by the fawning mainstream media.

Obama lost me when he referenced “federal troops using tear gas to attack ‘peaceful protesters’ in Lafayette square”, and after his analogy of democrat racial bigot Bull Connor, to U.S. Marshalls protecting a federal court house.  Clearly, Obama was using the far-left false narrative to discredited Trump, and all things related to Trump.  These are just a couple of examples of the divisive and dishonest nature of Obama’s so-called “eulogy” that were glossed over by his advocates.

How much of the public can see through deception and lies as above, and through the big, massive lie that BLM and Antifa are peaceful civil rights protest groups, rather than violent Marxist revolutionary groups, is difficult to assess.  If one just follows the mainstream media and related polls, one would conclude that the country is following the leftist pied-pipers into a Venezuelan type disaster.  I am optimist enough to believe that there are multitudes of silent and patriotic Americans that have not imbibed the Obama, AOC + 3, Biden, Pelosi false narrative, and who are waiting in the wings to ensure some semblance of common sense government in the country.

Ray Gruszecki
July, 2020

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