Sunday, April 4, 2021

Wokeville, Democratic Republic of Bidenland


Wokeville, Democratic Republic of Bidenland

 A fitting modern name for our poor beleaguered country, history and society. 

 And the clueless sheep bleat “baa__aa”, and follow the biased media down the path of accepting an alt-left, socialist, borderline communist, oligarchic government.  This same media, and even supposedly neutral Pew Research, deem good old silent, forgetful, grandfatherly Joe Biden, to have an approval rating in the mid 50%’s.  I guess that the easily led and offended sheep really hated the bold face truth from President Trump and his pithy tweets.  Now they get silence, and the most blatant lies, platitudes and lectures, and the sheep lap it up, while the “politically correct” “woke” bigots, clap their hands in glee in the background, and devise other unspeakable atrocities to wreak on our American mores and culture.

 Of course, one can reluctantly conclude that academia, Hollywood and the media, have finally accomplished their ultimate goal of weaning most of America away from its founding principles, and into a European-style, “global”, left-wing oligarchy.  Increasingly, it seems that there is an ever- shrinking minority in this country who still believe in the founding principles of John Locke, Montesquieu, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams and other thinkers and doers, who established our republic.  Increasingly the left-wing philosophies of Marx, Woodrow Wilson, John Maynard Keynes, Franklin Roosevelt, Barrack Obama and Bernie Sanders have displaced, and are continuing to displace our constitutional origins and traditions.  We are indeed becoming a “socialist republic”.

 It is futile to enumerate and criticize the many aberrations that the alt-left Biden handlers have introduced in the few short months that they have been in power.  They have reversed nearly all of the positive, pragmatic features that President Trump instituted, with an almost vicious disregard, and with deleterious impacts on our country.

 The most egregious of these: We had a relatively stable southern border situation that Trump negotiated with our southern neighbors.  Now we have an unmitigated crisis and disaster, due to Biden’s reversion to the effectively “open border”, and “catch and release” policies of the previous Obama-Biden administration.  We were producing and delivering environmentally efficacious gas from our own sources over our own pipelines.  The Biden wrecking crew is decimating our energy industry, has thrown thousands of people out of work, and has raised our gasoline prices by nearly $1.00 per gallon in the last two months.  Our female athletes now compete with biological males due to some twisted pseudo-logic about gender.

 Even more disturbing is the alt-left Biden push to aggrandize power and create a dictatorial one-party state by eliminating all vestiges of the senate filibuster, so that adding leftist states and packing the supreme court with additional justices will ensure alt-left socialist rule in perpetuity.

 The list goes on and on, fueled by nearly 60 dictatorial executive orders attempting to direct every aspect of our lives.  Also, the proliferation of multi-trillion congressional bills funding a plethora of socialist plans is astounding.  Euphemisms like the “American Rescue Plan”, the “Infrastructure Plan”, and the “American Jobs Plan” are used to mask the true purpose of the bulk of these plans, which is pure, unabashed socialism for the country, incorporating features like the “green new deal”, the bigotry of identity politics disguised as “racial justice”, enshrinement of “woke” and “cancel culture” in the fabric of our lives, gender confusion, and a variety of other “woke” principles.  Only a small fraction of the funds in all of these “plans” will actually be used for the name of the plan.

 And Biden, reading haltingly from the teleprompters and his crib notes, and his minions, just stand there in front of the American public, and plain out and out lie.  The lies from Biden are ardent and straight to the American public’s face.  We don’t know if these lies are actually coming from Biden himself, or, as we suspect, were scripted for him.  All politicians bend the truth to look good, but these people are way beyond the pale.  They stand there and try to take credit for the “warp speed” vaccines and Trump’s vaccination program.  They will tell us that there is no crisis at the southern border, while barring even their supportive media from the area.  They hide and lie about the socialist nature of their proposed tax and spend trillion-dollar programs.

 Trump was open, direct, and ‘in your face”.  This Biden government is silent, secretive and monolithic.  It frankly resembles some old communist regimes, or the hermit kingdom, North Korea, in its rush toward a dictatorial, one-party government.

 It is hoped that the sheep will wake up, (not get “woke”), and realize where the Biden cabal is leading them. Hopefully there will be enough of our constitutional government left to vote these neo-communists out of power, and to reclaim many of our God-given liberties, freedoms and culture.

Ray Gruszecki
April 3, 2021

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