Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Fascio-Socialist Rule by Fear


Fascio-Socialist Rule by Fear

 This cabal around Biden is the most destructive to our founding principles and our American values ever, in history.  Virtually everything they touch turns to fascio-socialist foolishness.  This pervades both domestic, and foreign policy efforts under Biden.  The things that are working properly are those inspired and initiated by President Donald Trump, namely, Covid vaccination and Covid relief payments. Of course, the Biden bunch takes credit for both of these.

 I was not exactly enamored with either the Clinton or Obama administrations on socio-economic and political lines delineating political views.  But both of these were these were functional and rational administrations, and preserved the trappings of government.  This Biden government is hell-bent on destroying our traditional government structure, and installing a totalitarian, socialist/communist one-party system.

 One can expound on the philosophies of Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Alinsky and others as applies to what the alt-left handlers of Biden are doing.  They are trying to convert America into a socialist/communist country on the recent model of Venezuela.  They have managed to “dumb down” the country to accept their “newspeak” lies and euphemisms about innocuous or positive sounding programs that contain the exact means of making this a socialist country.

 And the bulk of the population is clueless, gullible, and thinks “old Joe” is a kindly granddaddy that gives them money, vaccinates them and doesn’t tweet.  This image is burnished by a fawning media, big tech and Hollywood.  The whole result, if you can believe the biased media, is a 50+ approval rating for old Joe.

 In the meantime, Joe and his minions continue to virtue signal by wearing masks in the open even though fully vaccinated, counter to prevailing CDC medical and scientific advice.  Joe lectures his ovine followers that he may reward them by “allowing” small family gatherings by Independence Day, if they behave and also continue to wear their obedience masks outdoors.  Echoing Leon Trotsky, “Social control is best managed through fear”.  The Biden cabal’s use of the fear of covid as a cudgel is straight out of Trotsky’s activist communism.

 This is what the CDC (not Biden) says about masks.


Ray Gruszecki
April 27, 2021

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