Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Russian/Ukrainian Winter


The Russian/Ukrainian Winter

 When watching Russian troops mass on the border of Ukraine in the middle of the Central European/Russian winter, one has to wonder how much awareness of historical precedence is extant.

 209 years ago, during the winter of 1812-1813, Napoleon’s Grande Armee found itself also moving West in Central Europe, and retreating from Moscow and Russia prior to its complete decimation.

  80 years ago, during the winter of 1941-42, Hitler’s Nazi Wehrmacht found itself in a similar situation, retreating from Moscow and Russia during its worse defeat.

 In both of these cases, the Russian winter and a preponderance of population, defeated modern, well-armed invasions of Russia.  Admittedly, these prior invading militaries did not have the modern weapons, thermal wear or experience that current Russian troops have, in fact they did not even have winter gear. But the historical analogy cannot be ignored by the Russians, Ukrainians, or Western forces.

 Putin’s military advisors seem to have overcome any of the which are now somewhat ancient historical and weather considerations.  Still, it seems a little strange that they would be preparing for an invasion of Ukraine in January, in the middle of the European winter.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 23, 2022

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Poor Old Joe


Poor Old Joe

 Poor old Joe was never the sharpest knife in the drawer based on what he has actually accomplished during his political life   He has never had his own strong beliefs, except for self-aggrandizement, and always landed strictly in the middle of prevailing opinions.  However, you would think that he was God’s gift to our political world, if you listen to Joe describe himself.

 This continues with Biden’s dismissal of the reality of the country falling down around him, while he congratulates himself on a job well done.  It seems that he builds up the lies, (or they are built up for him), and he then believes and repeats the lies, barely articulating them with his increasingly wandering mind. 

And I fault you anti-Trump democrats and republicans and independents for drinking the kool-aid in the form of the narrative built up against President Trump by his enemies and an antagonistic media, and forgetting how Trump stabilized the country.  Because you had to know, with Joe Biden hiding in his basement for most of the 2020 presidential campaign, what kind of president old Joe would be.  And he has not disappointed, has he?

 Our partisan, left-wing media and popular outlets managed to twist Trump’s colorful past life and pithy comments into a racist, misogynistic, homophobic narrative, that much of a gullible American public and electorate were willing to swallow without question.  At the same time, these political operatives diminished President Trump’s accomplishments, such as tax cuts, a strong border, toughness on crime, advances in racial equality, and the Middle East Abrahamic Accords; and hid or changed news that was detrimental to their side.

 As his presser the other day showed, “hidin’ Biden” is either unaware of what is happening in the country, or blaming republicans or others for it.  He takes no responsibility for the deterioration of the country under his administration.  He whispers, sotto voce. that he is a “capitalist”, rather than the left wing operative that his deeds show him to be.

 Republicans are licking their chops about a red tsunami in the 2022 mid-terms, to bring the country back to middle American values.  Let’s remember, however, that leftist operatives like  Stacey Abrams, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and George Soros, do not play fair.  Their socialist playbook is based on Trotsky, Lenin and Alinsky, and is unscrupulous in its grasp for political hegemony, by fair means or foul.  So yes, we may have a return to some normalcy in our federal and state governments in the 2022 mid-terms, if our election rules are not perverted by the leftists, as they were in the 2020 election. 

 This all assumes that Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema can hold the line on the senate’s 60 vote filibuster rule, and that Chuck Schumer and company don’t “nuke” the rule during the next 10 months or so.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 22, 2022

Friday, January 21, 2022

Vaccinations, Politics and Death


Vaccinations, Politics and Death

 President Trump was handed the killer Corona virus in early 2020, and faced with uncertainty, and depleted face masks, therapeutics and supplies, Trump fumbled a bit at the start on how to handle the virus.  However, he started big pharma on vaccine development almost immediately, and Pfizer, Moderna and J&J had effective vaccines within nine months, by the end of 2020.  This was Trump’s great accomplishment in the war against Covid-19.

 Anti-Trump politicians, in the meantime, cast doubts as to the efficacy of “the Trump vaccines”, that persist to this day.  Negative responses to the vaccines, and to getting vaccinated in general, were exacerbated by heavy-handed and illegal executive orders by Joe Biden in early 2021, that “mandated” and forced vaccinations.

 So, rather than a rational, logical response to vaccination as a means of limiting and controlling Covid-19, we had an anti vaxxing political backlash from a good part of the country.  Additional confusion developed when mutated strains of Covid  “broke through the mRNA vaccinations.

 Wearing of masks also became more of a political, rather than a medical issue.  Simple cloth masks have been proven to be mostly ineffective.  Commercial/medical N95 or KN95 masks are somewhat more effective, but certainly not a guarantee of stopping spread.

 It has to be obvious to an honest, impartial observer, that the vaccines work to limit serious illness or death from Covid-19.  They do not prevent contracting Covid, particularly the very contagious Omicron, but they mitigate the severity of the illness.

 I am triple vaccinated. – 2 shots and a booster.  I contracted Covid (probably Omicron), by sitting next to a person on a plane who coughed repeatedly, and was probably infected.  My symptoms were very mild – a 2 degree rise in temperature one evening, and slight diarrhea for several days.  I’m sure that if I had not been vaccinated, I would have been hospitalized, intubated and possibly dead at age 85.

 I am against the stupid, illegal mandates of this Biden regime.  I am certainly not against Covid-19 vaccinations, boosters and therapeutics.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 21, 2022

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Biden’s One Year Presser

Biden’s One Year Presser

 Like many Americans, I suffered through two plus hours of Joe Biden’s first press conference in a year. Of interest to me, like to many, was what Old Joe as going to say about the rampant crime that has developed in our country, the highest inflation in 40 years, the nearly one million Americans dead from Covid, our wide-open southern border and our societal deterioration toward socialism and communism, since he took office in January, 2021.

Poor old doddering Joe did not address any of these. Instead, he patted himself on the back with satisfaction and arrogance, for a job well done. Blundering Biden was completely disconnected from the real ills, felt every day, afflicting the country as a result of his administration. He concentrated on talking about changing senate rules, federalizing election laws and blaming everyone else for his increasing unpopularity. He insisted that he did everything right, including the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and that the republicans were really responsible for any perceived problems in the country.

He came out from his valet, barber and coaches, looking spiffy, congratulating himself on a job well done, and a successful first year as president. Not a clue about the real state of the country or economy. At first. he read his prepared statement without too may slip-ups, and started answering the pre-scripted media questions. His senility started showing as anger at questions that were a little tougher, and he started to wax nostalgic back to his past. I was expecting the “corn-pop” story but was spared.

 His penchant for exaggeration and embellishment also manifested itself in references to Putin only absorbing a piece of Ukraine, and to the illegality of our 2022 elections if state election laws were not federalized.

 Altogether, a dismal performance by Biden. He would have had less to walk back if he had stopped after about an hour. Then, we just would have been left with his lies and arrogance about how great a job he has done.

Ray Gruszecki
January 20, 2022

Friday, January 14, 2022

Our Ruined Country


Our Ruined Country

 In just about a year, Joe Biden and his handlers have gone a long way toward destroying our country.

 The latest strain of Covid runs rampant, infecting upwards of 1 million U.S. citizens every day.  What happened to stamping out Covid with the vaccines President Trump developed and left for you, Joe?

 Inflation is running the highest that it has been in 40 years.  Did your socialist Keynesian economists like Krugman and Reich expect it to be different after passing $6 trillion in spending bills?  And you want to pass another $3 trillion, blithely saying that this will not increase the deficit or inflation?  Common sense recoils.

 Crime and drugs run rampant in our country, and particularly in our larger cities, after “swinging door” non-prosecutions of criminals by ill-advised left-wing politicians.  Arrested in the morning, - released without bail in the afternoon.

 We effectively no longer have a southern border, and non-citizens will soon be able to vote in our elections.

 Since you have shut down major pipelines and oil and gas production areas, we are no longer net exporters of energy, and gasoline prices are up 50%.

 Our shelves are empty and there are long waiting periods for even what were to be free Covid test kits and vaccinations

 We could once comment on your impending dystopia.  Unfortunately, now. we are living in it.

 One has to ask, Joe. are you just a complete, inept, incompetent, bumbling fool? – Or are you following the Marxist principles outlined by Lenin, Trotsky and Alinsky, to completely tear down the country before “building it back better” in a socialist or communist image?

 Ray Gruszecki
January 14, 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Positive for Covid

Positive for Covid

 I am triple-vaxxed.  I got my first two Pfizer vaccinations on February 4 & 25, 2021 and my Pfizer booster on August 18, 2021.  If I had not been vaccinated, I probably could not be writing this.  I most likely, would be intubated in an ICU.

 I returned to Dallas from Massachusetts on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.

 I had been self-quarantining since Friday, January 7, after I observed cold/flu-like symptoms, particularly a 2 degree increase in temperature that night, which mitigated the next day, a cough that I had for several weeks, and diarrhea.  I thought that I just had a cold or flu, but immediately treated it as Covid in this Omicron world.

 I tested positive for Covid on Tuesday, January 11, after canvassing the Dallas area, and finally receiving a Covid home test kit from Walmart.  I followed up with a more thorough “drive-by” Covid test at a large CVS drug store on January 13. No results yet.

 I advised family and close friends, the management where I live and my personal physician, of my positive test.  I continued treating myself with Tylenol, Mucinex, and plenty of liquids and rest.  Even the mild symptoms I had abated quickly.  I did not have a headache, sore throat, fever (other than + or – 1 degree), just some muscle soreness, lack of appetite, and a cough and nasal drip,  but no chest congestion.

 I’m counting from the 11th when I first tested positive, which will take me through the weekend of January 15/16 as my official quarantine period, followed by 5 days, thru Friday, January 21 of wearing a mask, as dictated by the CDC (if they don’t change the rules in the meantime).

 So, I should be up and out, with a mask, the week of January 17th, and back to normal the weekend of the 22nd.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 13, 2022

Thursday, January 6, 2022

January 6, 2021


These are four articles from the responsibly conservative “National Review”, all condemning the violence of the January 6, 2021 capitol riot, and discussing the event with a truthful and honest perspective.  For the left-wing narrative, see the “New York Times”,  “Washington Post”,  “The Nation”, or a host of other democrat and leftist sources.

 By the editors of “National Review”


By Andy McCarthy


By Kevin Wiliamson


By Isaac Schorr

Ray Gruszecki

January 6, 2022