Thursday, January 20, 2022

Biden’s One Year Presser

Biden’s One Year Presser

 Like many Americans, I suffered through two plus hours of Joe Biden’s first press conference in a year. Of interest to me, like to many, was what Old Joe as going to say about the rampant crime that has developed in our country, the highest inflation in 40 years, the nearly one million Americans dead from Covid, our wide-open southern border and our societal deterioration toward socialism and communism, since he took office in January, 2021.

Poor old doddering Joe did not address any of these. Instead, he patted himself on the back with satisfaction and arrogance, for a job well done. Blundering Biden was completely disconnected from the real ills, felt every day, afflicting the country as a result of his administration. He concentrated on talking about changing senate rules, federalizing election laws and blaming everyone else for his increasing unpopularity. He insisted that he did everything right, including the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and that the republicans were really responsible for any perceived problems in the country.

He came out from his valet, barber and coaches, looking spiffy, congratulating himself on a job well done, and a successful first year as president. Not a clue about the real state of the country or economy. At first. he read his prepared statement without too may slip-ups, and started answering the pre-scripted media questions. His senility started showing as anger at questions that were a little tougher, and he started to wax nostalgic back to his past. I was expecting the “corn-pop” story but was spared.

 His penchant for exaggeration and embellishment also manifested itself in references to Putin only absorbing a piece of Ukraine, and to the illegality of our 2022 elections if state election laws were not federalized.

 Altogether, a dismal performance by Biden. He would have had less to walk back if he had stopped after about an hour. Then, we just would have been left with his lies and arrogance about how great a job he has done.

Ray Gruszecki
January 20, 2022

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