Friday, January 21, 2022

Vaccinations, Politics and Death


Vaccinations, Politics and Death

 President Trump was handed the killer Corona virus in early 2020, and faced with uncertainty, and depleted face masks, therapeutics and supplies, Trump fumbled a bit at the start on how to handle the virus.  However, he started big pharma on vaccine development almost immediately, and Pfizer, Moderna and J&J had effective vaccines within nine months, by the end of 2020.  This was Trump’s great accomplishment in the war against Covid-19.

 Anti-Trump politicians, in the meantime, cast doubts as to the efficacy of “the Trump vaccines”, that persist to this day.  Negative responses to the vaccines, and to getting vaccinated in general, were exacerbated by heavy-handed and illegal executive orders by Joe Biden in early 2021, that “mandated” and forced vaccinations.

 So, rather than a rational, logical response to vaccination as a means of limiting and controlling Covid-19, we had an anti vaxxing political backlash from a good part of the country.  Additional confusion developed when mutated strains of Covid  “broke through the mRNA vaccinations.

 Wearing of masks also became more of a political, rather than a medical issue.  Simple cloth masks have been proven to be mostly ineffective.  Commercial/medical N95 or KN95 masks are somewhat more effective, but certainly not a guarantee of stopping spread.

 It has to be obvious to an honest, impartial observer, that the vaccines work to limit serious illness or death from Covid-19.  They do not prevent contracting Covid, particularly the very contagious Omicron, but they mitigate the severity of the illness.

 I am triple vaccinated. – 2 shots and a booster.  I contracted Covid (probably Omicron), by sitting next to a person on a plane who coughed repeatedly, and was probably infected.  My symptoms were very mild – a 2 degree rise in temperature one evening, and slight diarrhea for several days.  I’m sure that if I had not been vaccinated, I would have been hospitalized, intubated and possibly dead at age 85.

 I am against the stupid, illegal mandates of this Biden regime.  I am certainly not against Covid-19 vaccinations, boosters and therapeutics.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 21, 2022

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