Saturday, January 22, 2022

Poor Old Joe


Poor Old Joe

 Poor old Joe was never the sharpest knife in the drawer based on what he has actually accomplished during his political life   He has never had his own strong beliefs, except for self-aggrandizement, and always landed strictly in the middle of prevailing opinions.  However, you would think that he was God’s gift to our political world, if you listen to Joe describe himself.

 This continues with Biden’s dismissal of the reality of the country falling down around him, while he congratulates himself on a job well done.  It seems that he builds up the lies, (or they are built up for him), and he then believes and repeats the lies, barely articulating them with his increasingly wandering mind. 

And I fault you anti-Trump democrats and republicans and independents for drinking the kool-aid in the form of the narrative built up against President Trump by his enemies and an antagonistic media, and forgetting how Trump stabilized the country.  Because you had to know, with Joe Biden hiding in his basement for most of the 2020 presidential campaign, what kind of president old Joe would be.  And he has not disappointed, has he?

 Our partisan, left-wing media and popular outlets managed to twist Trump’s colorful past life and pithy comments into a racist, misogynistic, homophobic narrative, that much of a gullible American public and electorate were willing to swallow without question.  At the same time, these political operatives diminished President Trump’s accomplishments, such as tax cuts, a strong border, toughness on crime, advances in racial equality, and the Middle East Abrahamic Accords; and hid or changed news that was detrimental to their side.

 As his presser the other day showed, “hidin’ Biden” is either unaware of what is happening in the country, or blaming republicans or others for it.  He takes no responsibility for the deterioration of the country under his administration.  He whispers, sotto voce. that he is a “capitalist”, rather than the left wing operative that his deeds show him to be.

 Republicans are licking their chops about a red tsunami in the 2022 mid-terms, to bring the country back to middle American values.  Let’s remember, however, that leftist operatives like  Stacey Abrams, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff and George Soros, do not play fair.  Their socialist playbook is based on Trotsky, Lenin and Alinsky, and is unscrupulous in its grasp for political hegemony, by fair means or foul.  So yes, we may have a return to some normalcy in our federal and state governments in the 2022 mid-terms, if our election rules are not perverted by the leftists, as they were in the 2020 election. 

 This all assumes that Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema can hold the line on the senate’s 60 vote filibuster rule, and that Chuck Schumer and company don’t “nuke” the rule during the next 10 months or so.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 22, 2022

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