Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Russian/Ukrainian Winter


The Russian/Ukrainian Winter

 When watching Russian troops mass on the border of Ukraine in the middle of the Central European/Russian winter, one has to wonder how much awareness of historical precedence is extant.

 209 years ago, during the winter of 1812-1813, Napoleon’s Grande Armee found itself also moving West in Central Europe, and retreating from Moscow and Russia prior to its complete decimation.

  80 years ago, during the winter of 1941-42, Hitler’s Nazi Wehrmacht found itself in a similar situation, retreating from Moscow and Russia during its worse defeat.

 In both of these cases, the Russian winter and a preponderance of population, defeated modern, well-armed invasions of Russia.  Admittedly, these prior invading militaries did not have the modern weapons, thermal wear or experience that current Russian troops have, in fact they did not even have winter gear. But the historical analogy cannot be ignored by the Russians, Ukrainians, or Western forces.

 Putin’s military advisors seem to have overcome any of the which are now somewhat ancient historical and weather considerations.  Still, it seems a little strange that they would be preparing for an invasion of Ukraine in January, in the middle of the European winter.

 Ray Gruszecki
January 23, 2022

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