Friday, January 14, 2022

Our Ruined Country


Our Ruined Country

 In just about a year, Joe Biden and his handlers have gone a long way toward destroying our country.

 The latest strain of Covid runs rampant, infecting upwards of 1 million U.S. citizens every day.  What happened to stamping out Covid with the vaccines President Trump developed and left for you, Joe?

 Inflation is running the highest that it has been in 40 years.  Did your socialist Keynesian economists like Krugman and Reich expect it to be different after passing $6 trillion in spending bills?  And you want to pass another $3 trillion, blithely saying that this will not increase the deficit or inflation?  Common sense recoils.

 Crime and drugs run rampant in our country, and particularly in our larger cities, after “swinging door” non-prosecutions of criminals by ill-advised left-wing politicians.  Arrested in the morning, - released without bail in the afternoon.

 We effectively no longer have a southern border, and non-citizens will soon be able to vote in our elections.

 Since you have shut down major pipelines and oil and gas production areas, we are no longer net exporters of energy, and gasoline prices are up 50%.

 Our shelves are empty and there are long waiting periods for even what were to be free Covid test kits and vaccinations

 We could once comment on your impending dystopia.  Unfortunately, now. we are living in it.

 One has to ask, Joe. are you just a complete, inept, incompetent, bumbling fool? – Or are you following the Marxist principles outlined by Lenin, Trotsky and Alinsky, to completely tear down the country before “building it back better” in a socialist or communist image?

 Ray Gruszecki
January 14, 2022

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