Monday, November 21, 2022

Bad Boy Trump


Bad Boy Trump

 Former President Donald Trump is being cast as the villainous “bad boy” of American politics who dared to contest the results of a dubious presidential election.  His loud, “in your face” New York personality is being used to characterize and define his “unfitness” to be president again.

 Starting on the escalator at Trump Tower in 2015, Donald Trump has been persecuted mercilessly by his left-wing enemies. He continues to be persecuted for supposed infractions that democrats have walked away from with impunity.  The media continues to pillorize him, and even the conservative Murdoch based media have turned against him.  Candidates backed by Trump in the mid-term election have generally fared poorly.  Trump is currently politically a persona non-grata.

 With Trump announcing another run for the presidency in 2024, with multiple New York State and U.S. government charges against him, and with a “special prosecutor”, (or inquisitor}, just appointed by Merrick Garland, it should be an interesting election season, to say the least.  We’ll be lucky if the republican party doesn’t disintegrate.

 Forgotten or glossed over, now, and in both the 2020 and 2022 elections are the statistics from Trump’s previous tenure, the 1.5% inflation; the $1.80 per gallon gasoline price; the stable southern border; the relatively low crime rates; the Abrahamic Middle East accords; the stable foreign relations (with no wars); Covid vaccines in 9 months; and myriad other accomplishments.  What’s remembered is his big mouth; his halting response to the Covid pandemic; and, of course, January 6th, blown all out of proportion by the hatred of his leftist enemies.

 I personally never liked Trump all that much during my twenty plus years working in New York City.  His ostentatious nature and personal foibles turned me off.  I disliked the “Trump” signs all over “my city”.  I did not follow his career closely, and I did not watch his reality shows.  I became more positive about Trump after his accomplishments as president became apparent.   

 Trump’s popular appeal was evident from the start of his political career.  He did not cast himself as the rather spoiled and mercurial New York playboy, but instead as the anti-establishment champion of the “little guy”.  He flew in the face of the 12 or 13 primary candidates on that stage in 2015, and cut them to pieces with his biting, unwashed, proletarian rhetoric, applying satirical nicknames to many of them.

 Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton literally drove the democrats to tears, and established an illegal fifth column in the DOJ and FBI to bring him down.  Republicans had a majority in both houses of congress for the first two years of Trump’s presidency.  That they did not accomplish very much can probably be attributed to Trump’s political inexperience, as well as to the wasted machinations of the Russia Collusion investigation.

 The democrats came to congressional power in 2018, and the next two years were wasted by Nancy Pelosi and her minions mounting two impeachments against Trump for issues that ultimately will prove trivial.  Trump and the republicans presumably lost in 2020, and the democrats spent trillions of dollars, under the cover of Covid relief.  By their mismanagement, the democrats threw the country into inflation, high crime, open borders and general chaos.

 SCOTUS revoking federal Roe vs Wade, and a massive democrat propaganda campaign to “save democracy” in 2022, resulted in a democrat-controlled senate and a marginally republican controlled house.  “Gridlock” seems to be the prediction for the next two years, but republican control of the house means that Hunter’s laptop and the Biden crime family may finally be exposed.  The “big guy”, Joe Biden could be impeached for corruption.  Again, an empty gesture, since the senate will never convict him.

 And, into this mix, comes Trump, once again.  He has been cast as the “bad boy” of politics before, and prevailed.  One cannot forget his controversial personality and personal foibles.  But one should also not forget the considerable accomplishments during his administration. Were it not for the Covid pandemic ruining the economy and Trump’s presidency, we would have a completely different world.  Low inflation, low crime, energy independence, a stable southern border, no Ukrainian war, respect from world nations, - and many other benefits of a strong presidency, rather than the weak, mewling Joe Biden and his sophomoric handlers.

 Trump’s run for the presidency in 2024 may split and ruin the republican party.  All I can say, is if we allow this to happen, we deserve it.  Trump may be controversial, but he is a strong leader with a business background.  Other than the internal machinations of the republican party and the political scene, there is another fundamental question that this country must answer.

 Are we to remember Locke’s and Burke’s principles of liberty and freedom that formed our country and kept it alive and great in the face of fascism, communism and other corrosive philosophies, or are we to succumb to the movements seeking to destroy us?  Are we to continue to adopt identity politics and “wokeness”, the racist and socialist teachings of Critical Race Theory, and the far left communist/socialist philosophies hiding behind “social justice” and “environmentalism”?

 This is hoping that American values and common sense has not been completely over-shadowed in our young people and minorities by the leftist indoctrination infesting our schools and colleges, and being further embellished by our dishonest left-wing media.  And also hoping that there is enough of middle America left outside of the Acela, West Coast, and democrat run inner cities, to revive and sustain our founding values.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 21, 2022

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