Saturday, November 5, 2022

Biden and the “Wokesters”

Biden and the “Wokesters”

 Not to beat a dead horse, (or a cognitively impaired Biden or Fetterman}, but I have been around for a long time, dating back to FDR during World War II. and I have to admit that I have never seen a federal government as just plain bad as this one.  Literally everything that they have touched has turned to crap.  The economy, our society, our morals, our border, our crime rate, our schools, - you name it, and Biden and his handlers have tainted it with the imprimatur of failure.

 It is almost as if this current Biden administration has adopted the principles outlined by Karl Marx and later by the Frankfurt “Critical Theory” movement of philosophy, to tear down our society as oppressors, and replace it with some sophomoric concept of “social justice”.

 The people behind and controlling Biden seem to have absorbed a distorted concept of the socialism and communism which are the underpinnings of this ruinous administration.  They apparently have been taught in our increasingly leftist schools and universities, that the altruistic aspects of these philosophies, taken out of context, are benign, rather than historically corrosive and destructive, which the overall movements of socialism and communism always are.

 And much of our gullible younger American public, indoctrinated into socialism by our schools and steeped in the democrat party propaganda of the left-wing media, just goes along with the lies that are continuously spewed by this administration.

 But even this left imbued group can’t fail to get the message when they pay $5.00 per gallon for gasoline, exorbitant prices for groceries, are forced to get jabbed multiple times and wear ineffective masks, and see their kids lose education due to incompetent teachers’ unions and practices.

 And Biden and his sophomoric handlers, rather than doing something about the chaos and strife they’ve caused, instead outright lie to our faces about how great a job they are doing.

 We can vote some of the current crop of inept members out of congress in these coming mid-term elections, and thanks to three justices appointed by President Trump, SCOTUS is slowly returning the laws of the country back to some degree of common sense.

 But the executive will stay with Biden and his crop of “wokester” incompetents, so not much will be accomplished until 2024 when we vote them out of office and install a real, legal president.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 5, 2022

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