Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Knives Out!


Knives Out!

 Now that President Trump has announced that he will run for president again in 2024, he is once again being attacked from all sides.  Even the editors of the conservative National Review comment with a hearty “No!” to his candidacy.  A quick survey of media coverage about Trump’s announcement shows it to be generally negative, even among traditionally conservative media.  The coverage of Fox, Breitbart and the Boston Herald was neutral.

 Media coverage of Trump’s announcement generally acknowledges the accomplishments of his administration, (low inflation, a strong economy, energy independence, low crime rates, a valid southern border).  What the media reviles him for is his narcissistic and mercurial personality, his role in the January 6th demonstration and his past refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election.

 The same old points are being made about Trump as in 2015 onwards.  One is that his unstable personality will lead us into a war.  Apparently forgotten is how close to a world war we are right now because of Biden’s mewling weakness and inappropriate comments.  Many feel that Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if Trump were president.  Instead, we are close to nuclear disaster because of Biden’s and his minions’ stupidity in foreign policy.

 As evidenced many times in the past, Trump thrives on adversity and conflict, and is a rough and tumble political fighter, (sometimes to extremes).  His is a populist movement that really does not fit conventional political patterns or analysis.  That’s why all of the knives out and current negative commentary against Trump sort of falls on deaf ears.  Populist movements have a life of their own as evidenced by Trump in 2016 and by other famous populist leaders.

 The question in this country is = are there enough voters who still have traditional American values, or has enough of the country been indoctrinated by our schools and left-wing media in “woke” extremism to counter any “America First” Trumpism?

 Trump’s early announcement that he will run for president in 2024 gives him enough time to consolidate his forces with massive rallies and hoopla.  As a presidential candidate, it also protects him somewhat from DOJ and New York State charges against him.

 Trump is Trump, and knowing that, it is also pretty obvious that he will either go all the way to win the presidency in 2024, or bring the republican party down in flames with him.  It’s doubtful that he will back another candidate like DeSantis or Abbott or Haley for the good of the party, and not for the good of Trump.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 15, 2022

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