Thursday, November 10, 2022

Our Misinformed Electorate


Our Misinformed Electorate

 One has to ask, just what is wrong with the electorate of this country, that they continue to elect the democrats who are responsible for ruining our country over the past two years during the Biden administration.

 The only explanation is that half the country would elect a slug if it had a “D” after it.  No matter our inflation and high gas and grocery prices.  No matter the crime wave in our cities.  No matter the “walk across” southern border.  No matter the destruction of our morals, history and heritage.  No matter the social falsehoods being fed to our schoolkids.  No matter our being a laughing stock in our foreign affairs.  No matter the Fentanyl killing our kids.  No matter the leftist BLM and Antifa riots of 2020 which resulted in 18 deaths and some $2 billion in damages. No matter the autocratic Covid lockdowns.  Issues simply don’t matter.  The “D” does.

 A particularly egregious example of voting for the “D”, no matter what, is electing Fetterman to the senate in Pennsylvania. The man can’t formulate a sentence, lives with his parents and walks around in a “hoodie”, and he’s elected to the senate.  That’s as close to a slug as you can get.

 One reason for such blind adherence to the left is ignorance.  Most media in the country is a propaganda tool for the democrats and simply does not cover much of the news enumerated above.  What they do cover is the January 6 mock trials, a distorted picture of the abortion question, and the propaganda that the MAGA republicans are destroying democracy.

 Another, more insidious reason for what seems to be a slavish following of the democrat party irrespective of how badly they are governing relates to what increasingly more of our electorate has been indoctrinated to in our schools and universities. They have been taught the altruistic aspects of socialism/communism, neglecting the corrosive nature of these philosophies, which has resulted in countess deaths in the past.

 One can say that “truth will out”, but truth stands increasingly less chance when it is replaced by propaganda in our educational systems which is supported by a dishonest news media which obfuscates and distorts what is actually happening in the country.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 10, 2022

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