Saturday, November 19, 2022




 I braved the Dallas 30 degree cold this morning to get shot up at my local CVS pharmacy.  I got the  0.3 ml PFIZER 12YR+ COVID-19 BIVALENT Covid vaccine in the left arm, the 0.7 ml FLUZONE HIGH-DOSE QUAD 2022-23 flu vaccine in the right arm.  If my reaction is about the same as the previous shots in March of 2022, I should have a slightly sore left arm from the Covid shot, and not much more.

 Unfortunately, the Covid shots have become politicized.  If we remember, and as forgotten by many, President Trump beat on the Pharma industry to develop Covid vaccines in the unheard of time of nine months, which Big Pharma did.  Then Joe Biden stole the credit for this, just like some say he stole the election.  In the meantime, the anti-Trumpers prior to the 2020 election tried to indoctrinate the country not to take the “Trump vaccines”, notwithstanding the science behind the vaccines.

 So the country ended up divided from this propaganda, and some people died from Covid because they would not take the vaccine.  In the meantime, Biden and his minions and handlers eventually imposed totalitarian draconian measures insisting that everyone in the country be vaccinated.

 Well of course there was resistance, despite the beneficial medical benefits and science of the mRNA and other later vaccines. Statistically insignificant, but very real, side effects contributed to the confusion.  For example, my sister experienced severe nose bleeds after both Moderna mRNA shots.  Many people, like myself and extended family back East, got mild cases of Covid in spite of the shots.

 Now, Covid is on the wane in most places, because it seems that one way or another, humanity seems to have achieved herd immunity, or close to it.

 Personally, I’m reasonably healthy, but I’m old.  Because of age, it was pretty evident that I had a Covid target on my back.  I researched the vaccines early on, trying to keep the political rhetoric out of it.  I concluded that the scientific and medical aspects of the vaccines were valid, and I proceeded to get the shots as soon as I could, including every booster available.  I still contracted probably the Omicron version of Covid from a wheezing 350 lb guy sitting next to me on a plane, but it was really mild, and I probably would not be writing this if I did not have the Covid vaccines.  So much for political brouhaha about Covid.

 Concerning the flu shot, I’ve always gotten them, and have had very little flu.  Some people are against them.  I’m not.  I believe in the science and medicine, not the rhetoric and bs.

 Ray Gruszecki
November 19, 2022

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