Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Our Poor Country


Our Poor Country

I was born a democrat in the 1930’s.  My mother, born in Poland and grown to adulthood in Chicago, was an inveterate FDR supporter.  We all were.  FDR was our wartime leader.  His socialist tendencies got lost to most in the rhetoric of the world war.

I became a republican/libertarian/independent as soon as I could reason out the defining differences of free market capitalism and socialism/communism.  I have voted for both democrats and republicans in our elections, but mostly republicans.

I have also come to understand, that despite the low hanging fruits of altruism that socialism/communism offers to the naïve, the rest of the tree is a poisonous killer to those who try to absorb it all.  These corrosive philosophies have never worked in their true form without modification by capitalist principles.  Socialism/communism is responsible for the deaths of upwards of 30 million people in the 20th century.

Poor old senile Joe Biden, after representing himself as a moderate voice of reason as a counter to boisterous, controversial President Trump, was co-opted by the vociferous, inexperienced, sophomoric extreme left wing of the democrats, who have imposed Marxist and Marcuseian principles to literally destroy the very fabric of our society.  With poor old Joe bumbling along, egging on the leftist extremists, and arrogantly taking credit for the destruction of America’s economy, its border, its cities and its moral values while patting himself on the back for the great job he’s doing.

To obfuscate the damage that they’ve done, the democrats have been beating the drum on abortion, January 6th, and inconceivably, that “democracy” will be lost if republicans win the congress.  Not inflation.  Not $5.00 per gallon gasoline.  Not the rampant crime in our cities.  Not immigration and our southern border.  Not the abysmal state of our schools after Covid. Not the elevation of “gender” and “gender change” as major issues in our schools.  Not the myriad other destructive elements tearing down our morals, heritage and history.

And yet, despite paying inflation prices for fuel and food, the country remains divided.  Upwards of half of Americans will still vote for democrats in this mid-term election.  They have been indoctrinated in our schools and by our continually left-wing media that distorts and hides the true political situation from them.  Hopefully, enough American voters will see their way to the truth, and vote out the left-wing extremists who have nearly destroyed our country.

Ray Gruszecki
Election Day
November 8, 2022

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