Friday, December 2, 2022

Elon Musk – American Patriot


Elon Musk – American Patriot

 Elon Musk is the richest person in the world.  He is a native South African. He is also a Canadian citizen from his mother’s side, and a naturalized U.S. citizen. By his release of the inner workings of the Twitter cover-up of Hunter Biden’s laptop, he will stand as a true American patriot who may have just saved our constitution and first amendment from its erosion by our leftist “woke” democrats.

 With the release of the inner workings of social media giant and influencer, Twitter, during the 2020 election concerning the suppression of news about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, Elon Musk has cast himself as a champion of American freedom of speech.  One can only hope that Mr. Musk’s bodyguards and security are up to the task of protecting him as he executes his duties managing his various companies, (Tesla, Space X. the Boring Company, Neuralink, Open AI, Solar City, Zip2, PayPal, and now Twitter).

 Prior to the 2020 election, the Biden administration, the dishonest media, big tech, and all the left-wing opinion gurus disparaged and suppressed any mention of Hunter Biden’s laptop and it contents implicating Joe Biden in the Biden Crime Family’s “pay for play” schemes.  They tried to convince public opinion that the whole Hunter laptop issue was misinformation or some right-wing conspiracy.  And now, Elon Musk is releasing the true story of the duplicity foisted on the American public.

 One only hopes that this suppression of the illegal nature of Joe Biden’s involvement in the “pay for play” schemes described in Hunter’s laptop is not swept ‘under the rug” as with so many other transgressions that the democrats pull off.  Since we have a republican house and investigating committees, hopefully something will get done about this egregious breach of the law by the leftist deep state.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 3, 2022

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