Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Twitter Musk and Trump


Twitter Musk and Trump

 Whatever else may have happened and acknowledging that Trump’s big mouth is partially to blame, the left-wing establishment in this country, (the democrat party and the administrative state, the mainstream media, big tech), have effectively ruined Donald Trump, and made it very difficult for him to mount an effective campaign for president in 2024.  Why? Because he dared to challenge the ruling elite.  Trump is a controversial, loud-mouth New York real estate battler who has fought and will fight all comers, sometimes to his own detriment.  Trump’s enemies are not the conventional political crowd.  They are almost religious crusaders who will not stop until they see him in an orange jump suit behind bars.

 Now the same left-wing ruling cabal that “got Trump” is out to get Elon Musk.  Why?  Because he dared to purchase Twitter, and expose the past dishonest and illegal machinations, inner workings and leftist collusions of the administrative state, with the social media giant and influencer.  They are attacking Musk with the same type of fervor once reserved only for Trump.

 So, Merrick Garland and his henchmen are first coming after Neuralink, Musk’s brain enhancement company, for animal abuse.  As many times before, the virtue-signaling and propaganda driven left can get a lot of mileage out of accusations of torturing and killing little piggies and bunnies.

 And Elon Musk himself?  Well, his origins are in South Africa and he is white, so he must be steeped in racist apartheid.  A good place to start for the same character assassinators that “got Trump”.

 It is almost shameful to write about these cliques that exist in our government, that have eroded our constitutional freedoms and protections, and who treat the issues as if they were in the right.  The mainstream media even refuse to report about the Twitter exposures.  Biden and his ruling cabal dismiss any suggestion of impropriety and lie to our faces, while continuing to line their pockets with taxpayer money.

 Something needs to be done to restore effective government and a modicum of decency in our society.  Unfortunately, many of our young people and other voters, particularly along the Acela, West Coast and democrat run inner cities, have been indoctrinated to “political correctness”, “wokeness”, environmental activism, and other forms of leftist-distorted “social justice”.  As proven in recent elections, they will continue to vote for the “D” in spite of inflation, high gas and grocery prices, high crime, social deterioration and other obvious ills caused by the ineptitude and mismanagement of the left.

 Trump started to turn it around before Covid hit, and before the millions of dollars poured into the democrats and into other left-wing entities like Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple and others in 2020, took full effect and brought Trump down.  Unfortunately, rather than a measured, intelligent response, Trump’s response was twisted by his enemies, to lead to an attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and this got perverted into the ensuing kangaroo committee hearings by the left.

 Forgotten were the many whistle blowers and the abuses during the election.  Also suppressed by the leftist cabal, were the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop defining Joe Biden’s complicity in the “Biden Crime Family”.

 Now, with Twitter opened up by Elon Musk, and with a republican house of representatives, we may get some exposure of these egregious violations of our constitution by the left.  Hopefully, these lessons will not be lost on our gullible and easily deceived electorate.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 6, 2022

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