Saturday, December 10, 2022

Twitter Files – Removal of Trump


Twitter Files – Removal of Trump

 Matt Taibbi’s latest tranche of Twitter files (no. 3 from Elon Musk), shows that the FBI, DHS and other federal police agencies collaborated with the old Twitter management to interfere in, and rig the 2020 presidential election, and specifically to prevent Trump from winning the presidency.

 In spite of vehement denials and charges of “right wing conspiracy”, a recent Newsweek poll showed that upwards of 40% of American voters felt that the 2020 election was “stolen”.

 Now, internal documents from pre-Musk Twitter are confirming that the 2020 election was rigged by federal law enforcement and police authorities conspiring with Twitter to suppress and distort the real news, and replace it with anti-Trump propaganda.  In other words, to interfere in the 2020 election on behalf of the democrat party.

 So, is this major scandal and criminality on part of federal law enforcement to “fix” an election being widely discussed and condemned by the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and other left-leaning news outlets?  Why, no.  They are covering more important news, like the exchange of an America hating black lesbian athlete, exchanged by our great leader Biden for Viktor Bout, the American killing “merchant of death”.

 But I digress.  Where is the media outrage, other than in the Murdoch owned media and a few other honest purveyors of the news, of how federal agencies and the big tech media companies fixed the 2020 election, and effectively handed it to Joe Biden, the most incompetent and corrupt political hack ever?

 Government law enforcement agencies interfering to rig an election is used by totalitarian regimes to control their people.  Is this where we have gone?  To the likes of China, Russia, Venezuela and the ranks of repressive dictatorial governments?  It looks that way.  And the left-wing establishment and their media and big tech lackeys just call it a “nothingburger” and refuse to report it. And the gullible indoctrinated and propagandized populace looks the other way to America hating Brittney Griner.

 Ray Hruszecki
December 10, 2022

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