Saturday, December 3, 2022

World Cup


World Cup

 I have been watching snippets of the World Cup each morning while I have breakfast.  I just saw Netherlands score their second goal against the U.S.  In spite of the American team’s Christian Pulisc little Holland will most likely go on to defeat big, rich USA.  Why?  The U.S. is the third most populous country in the world.  Netherland ranks 67th.

 The link below points to the answer.

 Quoting. “Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. There is no doubt about it. However, it continues to struggle for the limelight with more popular sports in the United States of America. As per statistics on how many people play soccer, it is the fourth most popular sport, and its popularity is declining.”

 I have travelled all over the world, and one sight is ubiquitous, whether in wealthy Europe, or relatively poorer parts of Africa and Asia.  It is kids as young as three years old kicking a soccer ball around.  Not so in the U.S.

 Oh, we also play soccer in our schools and playing fields in the U.S.  I remember playing soccer 70 years ago as part of school PT.  My grandkids are probably as well=played in soccer as any kids in the country, and my son coached it for years.  But there is not the same national fervor and dedication to the game as in most of the rest of the world. 

 So, with professional football teams like Feyenoord, Groningen Sparta and several other professional teams as their heritage, little Netherlands wills most likely go on to beat big old USA.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 3, 2022

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