Monday, December 5, 2022

Twitter Fairy Tale


Twitter Fairy Tale

 The fairy tale that the 2020 presidential election was honest, that the election was not rigged and effectively “stolen”, and that clueless, mewling Joe Biden is our valid president, is being relegated to myth, along with Grimm’s works and with tales of the Loch Ness Monster.

 Oh, but not so very easily, and not to all of the slavish followers of anything with a “D” after it, and not without the shrieks and denials of the perpetrators of this egregious election interference.  Along with Donald Trump. Jeffrey Dahmer, and Jack the Ripper; free speech advocates Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi, are being pillorized by the left-wing perpetrators of this election interference as unspeakable villains. How dare they expose these underpinnings of political correctness and “wokeness”, (and the democrat party).

 It is absolutely amazing how the leftist media, big tech and the deep state in this country have manipulated public opinion away from news that is detrimental to their cause, such as Joe Biden’s role in the Biden crime family’s “pay for play” schemes, and replaced real news with manufactured distortions, such as the January Sixth demonstration kangaroo committee.

 Same with any questions or suspicions around the 2020 election.  Any such doubts about the election were quickly relegated to the realm of “Russian misinformation” or “conspiracy theory” by these same left-wing actors.

 But now the truth, which was suspected if not voiced by as many as 40% of Americans according to a recent CBS poll, is now emerging as a result of Elon Musk’s efforts to restore free speech within the workings of Twitter.

 Be very careful, American Patriot Elon Musk. The knives are out for you.  Not only in print, or on the Internet, or on TV.  The left is unscrupulous, and they can use real “knives”.  Remember Vince Foster and other mysterious Clinton era deaths.

 Ray Gruszecki
December 5, 2022

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