Thursday, September 7, 2023



 One really has to wonder at the rank gullibility of the American public, and particularly of the roughly 50 plus percent of American voters that have voted for the extreme left “politically correct” or “socially just” or “woke” democrats in recent elections, and continue showing in the polls as backing Joe Biden and the “woke” leftists in the coming 2024 election.

 Oh, I’m not going to launch into a dialogue concerning the normal  political differences between democrats and republicans.  Each of the major political parties have deeply embedded and long-standing beliefs that define them, and these do not change with temporal political winds.  But there traditionally has been a sizable bloc of voters who call themselves “Independents”, and who can swing one way or the other in any given election.

 Pew Research, which is normally pretty reliable, has found that our country’s electorate is split roughly one-third democrat, one-third republican and one-third independent.  Quoting Pew Research, “Around a third of registered voters in the U.S. (34%) identify as independents, while 33% identify as Democrats and 29% identify as Republicans, according to a Center analysis of Americans’ partisan identification based on surveys of more than 12,000 registered voters in 2018 and 2019.”

 These “Independents”, and some of the electorate, both right and left, can be swayed by rhetoric, by their pocket books, by their societal beliefs, or by any of a myriad of other hot-button issues in any given election.

 It seems that the overriding “hot button issue” in the 2020 election, and now, leading to the 2024 election, is an out of balance hatred of Donald Trump that has been instituted by his political enemies, and embellished by a grossly unbalanced and unfair mainstream media.  This hatred has recently been exacerbated by a spate of never before contemplated criminal charges brought against Ex-President Trump by his leftist enemies, while their democrat cronies skate and scoff at similar charges.

 Trump overcame his massed political and media enemies in 2016, but even his very real actual positive results for the country were insufficient to overcome the anti-Trump media blitz, his narcissistic public persona and the effects of the Covid pandemic during the 2020 election.  He lost to Joe Biden in his Delaware basement, who cast himself as a positive elder statesman and voice of reason, but who in fact, was the empty-headed lackey of the “woke” extreme left.

 Once in power, the extreme left wing, (I do not even consider them conventional democrats), undertook to try to rule by executive fiat, abrogating the constitution, and using the Justice Department and federal law enforcement as illegal tools of the executive.  This unconstitutional cabal very quickly concocted crimes with which they charged former President Trump and their other enemies, arrested them, and proceeded with purges and persecutions reminiscent of Stalinist days in Russia.

 The 2022 mid-term elections seemed like an opportunity to stop the hemorrhaging of political rights.  Instead, the unscrupulous left and their dishonest media allies seized on and distorted two issues that were important to a young electorate.  Firstly, that the “nasty” right-wing justices in SCOTUS had taken away a basic human right by rescinding federal abortion, rather than redressing a long-standing indignity to the constitution, and secondly, by the blatantly unconstitutional attempt to bribe young voters by forgiving their college debt obligations.  Rather than a cleaning out of the extreme leftist “rot”, the mid-term elections resulted in a marginally democrat senate, and a republican house by only a few votes.

 Biden and his handlers and his minions do not seem to have an ounce of truth about their destructive administration.  They lie and lie and lie, blatantly, to our faces.  About jobs, they cite gains from during the Covid shutdown.  About the economy, they cite “Bidenomics” as a success in spite of rampant inflation, exorbitant gas prices and general economic malaise.  On the border, they lie and claim success in spite of millions of illegal, undocumented aliens walking or swimming across the border.  They lie about crime in our democrat run cities.  They lie about our energy policy.  And they pat themselves on the back for the great job that they are doing, while the country literally falls into ruin.

 Ray Gruszecki
September 6, 2023

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