Thursday, September 21, 2023

No Government

 No Government

 It has become increasingly apparent with Joe Biden and his sophomoric handlers and minions, that we are having effectively less and less real government and leadership in our country.  That’s not to say that we don’t have a massive bureaucracy of democrats that calls itself government and tries to control every aspect of our lives in the manner that they dictate, but that is in fact a socialist dictatorship, and not a representative government.

 Crime is rife in our democrat run cities, and Soros backed prosecutors and judges are more sympathetic to criminals than to their victims.  They practice repeated “catch and release, so that perpetrators are not prevented from recidivism by incarceration, and are free to repeat their crimes at will.

 Illegal migrants with no papers, including potentially all manner of criminals and terrorists, as many as 10,000 in a day, walk or swim across our southern border with impunity.  Other than the somewhat restricted efforts by border state governors like Governor Abbott of Texas, our federal government essentially allows anyone that wants to walk across the border, enter the country.

 Our economy is a shambles, stupid, a wise democrat once said.  Well, it was never truer than under Biden, but Biden postures, pats himself on the back, and brags about his great record on job and economic growth.  Of course, Biden forgets to mention that he is starting with numbers derived from the virtual shutdown of the country during the Covid-19 epidemic.

 Biden and his minions have decimated our energy industry in their misguided, sophomoric rush to replace effective fossil fuels with unproven and ill-conceived replaceables and electric power that they think just magically appears at plug-ins across the country.  We were once self-sufficient in energy, and in fact, were net exporters of energy.  Now, we have gone from $1.80 per gallon gasoline to upwards of $5.00 per gallon, and go, hat in hand to Middle East suppliers who hate our guts.

 There is nothing wrong with using wind, hydro and other replaceable sources for part of our energy requirements, and electrical plug-ins for limited local automotive use, but relying on EV’s as primary transportation across our vast country is ludicrous, and indeed, sophomoric.  Where are the adults in this government?

 Biden’s administration has continued the racist policies started under the Obama administration that posits that racial discrimination is our greatest societal issue.  This in spite of the tremendous gains toward racial integration of our 12-13% black Americans begun in the 1960’s by Dr. Martin Luther King, and continuing for over 60 years.  This acceptance and inclusion of black Americans as a full and equal part of our society is being undone by seizing on and magnifying the tragic but anecdotal deaths of Trayvon Martin, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and other individual black Americans.  Not only has this return to active racism resulted in riots, deaths and physical destruction of our cities, it has resulted in defunding our police and the resultant additional lawlessness that continues to be the result of this defunding.

An egregious abuse of the Biden cabal is the undoing of societal strictures, taboos and rules of society that have been in existence for thousands of years, since the dawn of civilization, and the elevation of these previously forbidden behaviors, not only to acceptance, but to desirability and prominence.  That’s not to say that every societal rule and custom embedded in ancient writings should be incorporated into our modern world, just that all of our history should not be rejected out of hand, along with the statues of important historical figures, as is also happening.

 And of course, you would never know about this deterioration of our society if you only just followed the mainstream media, who cover up these abuses by the Biden government in their blind obeisance to the left wing.  Only outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, National Review, Wall Street Journal, NY Post and a few others report the real news.  Most of the rest of the media seem to be reading from a script prepared for them by the Biden administration, which repeats their agenda, and not the real news.

 Ray Gruszecki
September 21, 2023

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