Thursday, September 14, 2023

Western Civilization

 Western Civilization

 Why is Western Civilization destroying its moral, ethical, cultural and historical foundations?

 Laws and rules and principles regulating human behavior that have been in existence since the beginnings of time are suddenly being washed away in a “swell” of “social justice”, “identity politics”,  “wokeness” and the self-congratulatory, misplaced, political liberalism.  In the U.S., the perpetrator of this deterioration is the Biden administration..

 Not to say that everything appearing in holy writings like the Tanakh, the Bible, the Quran, the Hindu Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita and other sacred scriptures should pertain to modern life and mores, but much of our human identity is embodied in these and other spiritually based texts.  They are the starting points for civilizations, and have sustained civilizations for thousands of years. They should not be summarily cast aside in favor of a selfish and narcissistic life style because a shallow political sub group spouting loosely founded modernity, morality and ethics suddenly arises and so dictates.

 That’s not to say that the slavery of ancient times should be perpetuated, (though it still is, in a good part of the world), or that homosexuals should be stoned, or that women should be considered as unequal human chattel.  Obviously, a rescinding or liberalization of some archaic ancient customs was necessary, and has been accomplished in our civilized world.

 But what has happened over roughly the last seventy years, primarily by actions of the political left,  and now most recently exacerbated by Joe Biden and his handlers and minions, is that nearly every human aberration that once was considered unlawful, illegal, out of bounds or “sinful”, has been liberalized, and not only made part of mainstream life, but elevated to the status of exemplary, behavior.  Society is inundated and bombarded with all manner of deviancy, whether the ever-expanding LGBTQ++++ cliques demanding special privileges, legalization of all manner of historically illicit drugs and other substances, catch and release of criminals in our courts, enfranchisement of people that are in the country illegally, or a myriad of other abuses that are being flaunted and thrown in law-abiding faces every day by the “politically correct”, “woke” liberal mob.

 For example, concerning race relations, rather than a continuation of the integration and absorption of our 12-13% African-American community into the fabric of American life which was begun in the 1960’s by Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement, (and which was proceeding quite positively), political operators like the Obamas and others once again renewed race as a divisive and destructive political tool.  We are led to believe by those who form our opinions, and by vociferous activists, that racial discrimination is still one of our continuing and most egregious social ills.  Abrogated in this return to what is actually racism disguised as inclusiveness, is the progress in real race relations accomplished over the past 75 years.

 This return to racial division for political purposes has been exacerbated by the tragic but anecdotal deaths of Trayvon Martin, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and other individual black Americans.  Not only has this return to active racism resulted in riots, deaths and physical destruction of our cities, it has resulted in defunding our police and the resultant additional lawlessness that continues to be the result of this defunding.  Cancel culture, and the “woke” movement are founded here.  So is the Marxist based “Black Lives Matter”, the con perpetuated by Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi, who mis-appropriated millions of dollars of collected donations.

 All of the above disruptions of a normal, well-regulated society can be attributed to the extreme left socialist/communist based party that the modern democrats have become.  Earlier democrats, such as FDR, JFK and LBJ are turning over in their graves at this leftist extremism and socialism.  The modern extreme democrats have perverted the altruistic foundations of the party into an autocratic, self-serving perversion.

We need a return to our basic and founding and historical principles.

 All citizens have equal rights, regardless of skin color, ethnic origin or gender.  A federal program and laws reiterating the equal rights of all Americans is possibly necessary to once again stress these fundamental rights. There should be no special rights or privileges as redress for historical abuses of hundreds of years ago, as proposed by some.

 There are two basic genders, male and female, with trans and LGBTQ++++ hybrids, all having equal rights, but none having special rights and privileges.

 We must establish and maintain laws defining real national borders, and the same for legal immigration, as we nearly always have in the past before the open border policies of Biden and his minions.

 We must establish and maintain effective police in our cities, and ensure and enforce the laws.  We must end “catch and release” of criminals and ensure appropriate adjudication of criminals.  We also must end any discrimination by police against minorities.

 Schools should teach true and verified American history, and not propaganda, such as Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project, which are racist constructs concocted for political purposes.

 Vaccinations, wearing of face masks, social distancing and other rules relating to Covid should be reviewed, monitored and updated. Covid’s true origins should be rigorously investigated and publicized.

 The whole subject of global warming needs to be re-evaluated using sound scientific principles and not politics.  Reasonable efforts should be encouraged to clean up our planet, including land, waterways, seas and the atmosphere.  Ways must be found to encourage the major polluters, China, India and the emerging third world countries to participate in this effort. 

 The unrealistic goal of using electric power produced by renewables for most of our energy needs should be mitigated, and use of other non-polluting or low polluting sources such as low sulfur natural gas and oil should be developed or re-developed.

 We were once self-sufficient in energy, and in fact were net exporters of energy, pre-Biden.  We need to return to being net exporters of energy, accommodating what we have learned about partly supplying our energy needs from renewables and via electrical plug-ins for EV’s.

 Tremendous damage has been done to our country by the incompetence and fumbling of the doddering and corrupt old fool and party hack that the democrats elected as president.  But, unfortunately, incompetence and senility is not all.  The extreme left socialist democrats have wasted trillions of pandemic stimulus dollars on ill-conceived socialist programs, contributing to the ensuing inflation and to employment malaise.

 Biden and his sophomoric handlers strut and pat themselves on the back for “Bidenomics”, while average American families suffer and live paycheck to paycheck, with real spendable income that decreases each year.

 The country needs a strong president and a socially and fiscally responsible congress to bring us out of this morass caused by the Biden democrats.  Whether Trump, who is way ahead in early polls, with all of his legal and personal baggage can get elected and overcome (or pardon himself) of the many charges against him is debatable.  He is a fighter, but his current situation, with four indictments and 91 felony charges against him, may be too much for even the combative Trump.  DeSantis, Nikki, Ramaswamy?  Too early to tell.

 And, against whom? Seemingly not Biden or Kamala.  Even the most partisan leftists are acknowledging how incompetent Biden and Kamala are.  Gavin and RFK Jr.?  Probably too male and too white.

 It may not be enough for democrats to rely only on a platform of “keep Trump out”, as they did in 2020, or on championing unconstitutional points such as federal abortion and college debt forgiveness, as they did in 2022.  The democrats need a platform, and not empty posturing in face of their debilitating effect on the economy.

 A wiser democrat than these sophomoric socialists once said, "it's the economy, stupid".  That still pertains in 2024.

 Ray Gruszecki
September 14, 2023

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