Monday, September 25, 2023

I love this country

 I love this country.

 I loved it as a small-town kid in the 1940’s during the Second World War.

 I loved it in the 1950’s during the Korean War, while I was in the local high school and in college in Boston.

 I loved it as a young engineer working and living in New York City, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and verbally defending this country to foreigners.

 I continued to love this country through the years, as my political acumen matured.

 And, I love this country now, in spite of a specific, concerted effort to bring it to ruin by the current administration.

 What Joe Biden, and his handlers and his minions have done to destroy this country in three years of their inept and incompetent government is almost beyond belief.  (I cite handlers and minions because Biden himself is demonstrably incapable of effecting any sort of coherent governance himself, because of age and senility.)

 I have always considered myself a fair person, and as such, I try to understand both sides of the political spectrum.  To be honest, I find less bullshit on the libertarian and the conservative right side of politics than I find to the democrat left, which these days borders on socialism/communism.

 My origins are blue-collar, and my mother was a staunch Franklin Roosevelt democrat.  Also, as a young man, I worked on the farms and in the textile mills of New England as an integral part of the working class.  So, by background, I could be a credentialled left-wing democrat, if I chose to be.

But wait!  Education and experience did not support my left-wing origins.  It became evident to me, early on, that in the political sphere, the promises and platforms of the democrat left were much more amorphous and fleeting than those of the republican right.  Both lied and twisted things, but it seemed to me that the democrat lies and corruption were much more egregious than those of the republicans.  

 So, I voted mostly republican in the past, but sometimes “split ticket”, and I voted for a democrat for president several times. These days, I consider myself to be to the republican or conservative or libertarian right of politics.

 I have had my differences and disagreements with the various administrations through the years, probably more so with the administrations of Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama, than those of Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes or Trump.  As expected, theses differences were of a more rational political nature than the divisive, destructive type that we now have.

 We have become a divided and an uncivilized country!  Whereas once, we could debate issues (other than race), in a mostly rational, civilized manner, we now shout “aux barricades”, and take to violent actions, it seems, over the most trivial of disagreements.  It is truly sad to see hatred and divisiveness supplant the lofty ideals of our founders that sustained this country for over 200 years

 And, we have no effective governing body to stop or curtail any and all manner of egregious violent divisive infractions.  If we don’t shape up and restore some of our founding principles, we will not have much of a country left!

 Joe Biden was elected from his basement in Delaware, as the “elder statesman”, or “voice of reason”, after the controversial, in-your-face, tweeting, Trump.  Biden’s pitch was “a return to reason”, and rational government, after his nearly 50 years in Washington.  Forgotten, or swept under the rug, were the gaffes, lies, plagiarisms and rank incompetence of this man through the years.  The democrats elected Biden and an equally inept Kamala Harris, in a Covid and electoral rules tainted election.

 Some have said that what Biden and his administration have done is aimed at wrecking our country, doing away with long-standing constitutional principles, and instituting democrat party hegemony forever.  At first, this seemed incongruous and far-out.  But as this Biden government progressed, it became apparent that this is exactly what they were doing, abrogating the constitution and our two-party system for political power.

 Well, it did not take long for Biden’s true colors as a “Bernie Sanders style” socialist puppet to emerge.  We had some inkling during Biden’s first days in office when he vindictively piled on 30 plus executive orders undoing every positive thing that Trump ever accomplished, and replacing these with socialist order after socialist order.

 And that was just the start!  What are more of Joe Biden’s and his sophomoric handlers’ doings?

 We have Soros-funded, ineffective, democrat-run, city governments and defunded police that show more concern for criminals than their victims, and practice “catch and release”, even for repeat offenders.  Recidivism is rampant.

 We have massive illegal migration across our southern border.

Recent numbers of undocumented immigrants entering the U.S. are as high as 11,000 per day, or 304,000 per month. There are currently 16.8 million illegals in the country, up 2.3 million since Joe Biden took office.  And; where are the media reports on this untenable migrant situation along the southern border? Were it not for Fox News and a few other news outlets, the country would have no idea what’s happening there.

Everything costs more, and inflation runs rampant.  The numbers say that inflation is abating, but we don’t see it in grocery or gas prices.  $100 of groceries, pre-Biden, now costs $120-130.  Gasoline was $1.80/gal, now is $3.80/gal.

 Biden and his minions have decimated our energy industry in their misguided, sophomoric rush to replace effective fossil fuels with unproven and ill-conceived replaceables and electric power that they think just magically appears at plug-ins across the country. 

 There is nothing wrong with using wind, hydro and other replaceable sources for part of our energy requirements, and electrical plug-ins for limited local automotive use, but relying on EV’s as primary transportation across our vast country is ludicrous, and indeed, sophomoric.  Where are the adults in this government?

 Biden’s administration has continued the racist policies started under the Obama administration that posits that racial discrimination is our greatest societal issue.  This is in spite of the substantial gains toward racial integration of our 12-13% black Americans begun in the 1960’s by Dr. Martin Luther King, and continuing for over 60 years.  This acceptance and inclusion of black Americans as a full and equal part of our society is being undone by seizing on and magnifying the tragic but anecdotal deaths of several black Americans.  This return to active racism has resulted in riots, deaths and physical destruction of our cities, to the defunding our police, and the resultant additional lawlessness as a result of this defunding.

 We have LGBTQ+++++ aberrations thrust into our faces continuously as paragons, rather than outliers of human behavior.  Equal rights for those of all sexual preference should de extant, but not the continued elevation of certain sexual proclivities to honored positions in society.

 But what has happened over roughly the last seventy years, primarily by actions of the political left,  and now most recently exacerbated by Joe Biden and his handlers and minions, is that nearly every human aberration that once was considered unlawful, illegal, out of bounds or “sinful”, has been liberalized, and not only made part of mainstream life, but elevated to the status of exemplary, behavior.  Society is inundated and bombarded with all manner of deviancy, whether the ever-expanding LGBTQ++++ cliques demanding special privileges, legalization of all manner of historically illicit drugs and other substances, catch and release of criminals in our courts, enfranchisement of people that are in the country illegally, or a myriad of other abuses that are being flaunted and thrown in law-abiding faces every day by the “politically correct”, “woke” liberal mob.

 The mainstream media is a propaganda arm of the Biden government who cover up these abuses in their blind obeisance to the left wing.  Some outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, National Review, Wall Street Journal, NY Post and a few others report the real news.  Most of the rest of the media seem to be reading from a script prepared for them by the Biden press office.

 Ray Gruszecki
September 25, 2023

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