Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Black Lives Matter and Antifa - Background


Black Lives Matter and Antifa - Background

 (Some of this was written during the anti-Trump and race riots of the summer of 2020.)

 It is a chapter from the old socialist/communist playbook to attach an epithet such as “Black Lives Matter”, to an avowed Marxist movement, and then elicit almost universal acceptance fueled by guilt for the few anecdotal examples of actual racism in the country, which are blown out of proportion by BLM propaganda.

 This is what happened with “Black Lives Matter”, which is accepted as being a viable social justice or civil rights movement by 55%, (once 67%) of all Americans, in spite of its Marxist origins and background.  Responses by concerned Americans that “All Lives Matter”, were immediately twisted by BLM propagandists as “racist”, and this view continues in the opinion of a majority of Americans that have been brainwashed by BLM.

 The name “Black Lives Matter”. on its surface, signifies a beneficent social justice, civil rights movement that values the lives of black people.  Similarly, “Antifa”, or its German origin name, “ Antifaschistische Aktion”, denotes an anti-fascist connotation.  Again, on surface, who could say that black lives do not matter, or that they are pro-fascist, considering fascism’s contemporary dark reputation?

 But an honest and deeper examination of these two groups shows them not to be the positive groups that the names imply. Both groups have Marxist origins and espouse anti-capitalist, Marxist/Leninist socialist/communist principles.  This is obvious from their founding principles, and also from the continuing pronouncements of their leaders.

 Black Lives Matter, particularly, have seduced a good part of the gullible and clueless American public, and also the corporate world, and have convinced them, that they are a positive force to mend the evil “systemic racism” that they claim is endemic in modern America.  They have glossed over their revolutionary Marxist philosophy in order to ingratiate themselves into modern society.  They have used “woke” and “cancel culture”, and a sympathetic leftist media, to ensure acceptance by much of the public. “Black Lives Matter” signs are painted on New York City and Washington, D.C. streets and massive signs appear outside of iconic baseball parks.

 Yet, their violent actions in our streets in concert with Antifa thugs, belies these claims of respectability as a bona fide civil rights movement.  Instead, they are destroying our history culture and heritage by violent actions, ostensibly to end “racism”, but these radical groups equate “racism” with capitalism, in other words, with western values.  They follow the Marxist/Leninist formula of tearing down the bourgeoise civilization, and rebuilding it in a socialist/communist image.

 BLM is not an innocuous, beneficent civil rights movement.  It is a decentralized, neo-Marxist based, George Soros funded, domestic terrorist organization.   BLM happily self-identifies as a neo-Marxist movement with various far-left objectives, including defunding the police, dismantling capitalism and the patriarchal system, disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure, seeking reparations from slavery to redistribute wealth and via various offshoot appeals, to raise money to bail black prisoners awaiting trial. The notion of seizing control of the apportionment of capital, dismantling the frameworks of society, and neutralizing and undermining law enforcement is not just Marxist, but anarchic….”

 In way of background, BLM was founded by three women with Marxist backgrounds in 2013.  Alicia Garza, a black woman from Oakland, California, posted to Facebook what she described as a "love letter to black folks." She wrote: "I continue to be surprised at how little black lives matter. Black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter." Patrisse Cullors, a black woman from Los Angeles, California, then put Garza's Facebook post on Twitter, with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. After seeing the hashtag, Opal Tometi, a first-generation Nigerian American woman from Phoenix, Arizona, partnered with Garza and Cullors to establish an internet presence. Tometi purchased the domain name and built BLM's digital platform, including social media accounts, where they encouraged people to tell their stories.

 In their own words:- "We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia [Garza] in particular, we're trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories." — BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors, July 22, 2015.

 Lest there be doubts, attached are links that reference the true nature of Black Lives Matter and Antifa, rather than the sugar-coated commentary we normally hear.  It is important to provide background for comments and allegations about a subject, and the following links provide this if anyone wishes to research the BLM/Antifa issue for themselves.

 A.P. Dillon - Lady Liberty

 Black Lives Matter and Marxism “In their own words”

 Independent Sentinel

 BLACK Lives Matter leader Hawk Newsome warned that if America does not cooperate with the movement's demands they will "burn down this system and replace it."

Ray Gruszecki
April 14, 2021

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